Information Disorder: Toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and policymaking

Title: Information Disorder: Toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and policymaking

APA: Wardle, C., & Derakhshan, H. (2017). Information disorder: Toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and policymaking (Vol. 27, pp. 1-107). Strasbourg: Council of Europe.


This report is an attempt to comprehensively examine information disorder and its related challenges, such as filter bubbles and echo chambers. While the historical impact of rumours and fabricated content have been well documented, we argue that contemporary social technology means that we are witnessing something new: information pollution at a global scale; a complex web of motivations for creating, disseminating and consuming these ‘polluted’ messages; a myriad of content types and techniques for amplifying content; innumerable platforms hosting and reproducing this content; and breakneck speeds of communication between trusted peers.

As we explain, the ‘agent’ who creates a fabricated message might be different to the agent who produces that message—who might also be different from the ‘agent’ who distributes the message. Similarly, we need a thorough understanding of who these agents are and what motivates them.

We must also understand the different types of messages being distributed by agents, so that we can start estimating the scale of each and addressing them. (The debate to date has been overwhelmingly focused on fabricated text news sites, when visual content is just as widespread and much harder to identify and debunk.)

Finally, we need to examine how mis-, dis- and mal-information are being consumed, interpreted and acted upon. Are they being re-shared as the original agent intended? Or are they being re-shared with an oppositional message attached? Are these rumours continuing to travel online, or do they move offline into personal conversations, which are difficult to capture?






Information Disorder 框架

**i) 三種類型:錯誤信息、虛假信息和Mal-info
ii) 三個要素:主體、信息和解釋者
iii) 三個階段:創建、生產和傳播/分發
1. 創建。消息已創建。
2. 生產。該消息被轉化為媒體產品。
3. 分發。該消息被分發或公開。



瞭解這個概念框架和結構,探索它們。最終我們需要利用與虛假信息相同的技術,通過引人入勝且有力的敘述來打擊謠言和陰謀論。正如第 1 部分中所討論的,針對虛假信息的有效策略包括:激發情緒反應、重複、強烈的視覺效果和強有力的敘述。如果我們還記得信息搜索和消費的強大的、儀式性的方面,那麼將這些元素整合到我們的解決方案中的重要性是顯而易見的。

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