in English

Patrick Dréan was born in 1977 in Auray, Brittany. After receiving his master's degree in mathematics, he completed his two-year master’s degree in Breton and worked for three years gathering expressions from the elders. Now living in Lorient, he is devoted to passing on the Breton language as an adult education trainer as well as from his position as president of the cultural organisation Kerlenn Sten Kidna. He has authored a number of articles, short stories, poems and a novel by four hands, as well as created An tamm papir, a metaphysical humorous newspaper. He also published De loen en large, largely stemming from his work as a gatherer of expressions in Breton. He has been translating texts into Breton and done simultaneous interpretation from Breton as well.

He joined the Multiple Versions Project in 2013.