Biography in English

Rosa Fabregat is an author and pharmacist from Cervera, Catalonia, member of the Catalan Pen Club and honorary member of the AELC, (Association of Writers in Catalan).

Her literary activities include poetry, prose and column writing. As a poet, she began to write consistently after winning the Vila de Martorell Prize in 1978 for Estelles [Splinters], followed by El cabdell de les bruixes (1979), Temps del cos and Tretze llunes (1980), Balda de la vida (1991). Included in a number of anthologies, in 1994 she published the first part of her collected poems under the title of Ancorada en la boira: Obra poètica I (1953-1993) [Anchored in the Mist]. Several collections followed over the years, among others, Roses de sang (2005) thereafter reprinted as a bilingual Catalan/spanish edition, and A la vora de l’aigua (2008). The second part of her collected works, La temptació de vol: Obra poètica II (1994-2011), came out in 2012.

She has also published eight novels: Laberints de seda (1981), El turó de les forques (1983), Embrió humà ultracongelat F-77 (1984) followed by Pel camí de l’arbre de la vida (1985), thereafter reprinted as a single volume intitled La dama de glaç (1997). In 1988 came out one of her most controversial books La capellana [The Parish Priestess], questionning the reservation of priestly ordination to men, followed by la Providència (1995), Sóc l’Iris (2006) and Hereus i brodadores (2008). Her tales have been compiled by Maria-Pau Cornadó under the tile of Tots els contes de Rosa Fabregat (2009).

-> Access to her page on the website of the Department of Culture here.

-> Access to her page on Wikipedia here.

> Access to her page on the Association of Writers in Catalan website here.