Healthier Spam Musubi

1 rice cooker cup brown rice

3 rice cooker cups white rice


1 can Spam

2 tbsp brown sugar, packed

2 tbsp shoyu

1 tbsp mirin

furikake (optional)

neri ume (optional)

5 sheets nori (roasted seaweed sheet)

Wash rice and cook as usual in electric rice cooker. While rice is cooking, slice Spam into 10 slices. Fry on both sides in a skillet. Add brown sugar, shoyu, and mirin. Cook until liquid is gone. Dampen spam musubi mold with water and proceed according to the type of spam musubi mold you are using:

If using Spam musubi mold with flat packing plates, insert lower plate into mold, smooth side up. Pack half-full with rice and press down with other packing plate. Sprinkle furikake, if using. Squeeze neri ume, if using. Place Spam on rice. Add more rice to fill mold. Pack with packing plate. Remove lower packing plate and center mold on sheet of nori.

If using Spam musubi mold with single packing plate, center empty Spam musubi mold on sheet of nori. Pack half-full with rice and press down with packing plate. Sprinkle furikake, if using. Squeeze neri ume, if using. Place Spam on rice. Add more rice to fill mold. Pack with packing plate. Pressing down on packing plate, slice mold up, leaving rice on nori.

Roll tightly with nori. Wrap in waxed paper. Let set at least 10 minutes before cutting with a dampened knife. Keep knife damp in order to minimize sticking.