Sept. 6 2023

Leaders; Lynn Beaton,Rob Wray,

Participants: Alfred Raab, Barbara Palmer, Beth-Anne Currie, Cathy Bailey, Heather Drane, Judy Duncan, Judy Wyatt, Lynn Beaton, Lynne Richardson, Marilyn Ohler, Rob Wray, Bill Hatten, BJ & Doug Martin, Carrie & Stephen Cumming, Simon Turland, James Turland, Shirley Harrison

Today nineteen BBC members met at Shallow Lake hoping to see shorebirds. There was a heat warning for the day and the temperature quickly soared into the high twenties. Luckily a light breeze kept things tolerable.  This time of year the water of Shallow Lake has almost all drained away and only a few scattered pools remain. The Badlands of Shallow Lake are worth a visit just for the moonlike landscapes. It becomes a favorite haunt of herons and egrets as the fish get concentrated in the ever shrinking pools. The most common bird on the badlands today was the American Pipit. Pipits darted around in small flocks and were often seen sitting atop boulders. Because of the heat many members went home after the Shallow Lake hike. A few members carried on to bird at Sauble River Mouth and Oliphant.  On route a fall Palm Warbler tricked us until we saw it wag its tail. At our last stop a single Caspian Tern tried to stir up the grounded flock by squawking and luring the juveniles to flight with a fish in its beak. Great but hot start to the BBC fall season 2023

BBC Hike Sep 6, 2023 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Protocol: Traveling

30.0 kilometer(s)

Checklist Comments:     BBC Outing

36 species

Canada Goose  X

Mute Swan  X

Trumpeter Swan  X

Wood Duck  X

Blue-winged Teal  X

Mallard  X

Green-winged Teal  X

Common Merganser  X

Mourning Dove  X

Ruby-throated Hummingbird  X

Sandhill Crane  X

Semipalmated Plover  X

Killdeer  X

Pectoral Sandpiper  X

Wilson's Snipe  X

Greater Yellowlegs  X

Ring-billed Gull  X

Herring Gull  X

Caspian Tern  X

Double-crested Cormorant  X

Great Blue Heron  X

Great Egret  X

Turkey Vulture  X

Bald Eagle  X

Belted Kingfisher  X

Great Crested Flycatcher  X

Warbling Vireo  1

Blue Jay  X

American Crow  X

European Starling  X

American Goldfinch  X

Savannah Sparrow  1

Song Sparrow  X

Bobolink  1

Palm Warbler  1

Pardon any errors or omissions.