K Jun 5

Hike Leader,

Participants: Fred Jazvac, Judy Duncan, Margaret Anderton, James Turland, Norma Nanni, Stewart Nutt, Alfred Raab, Arlene Richards, Doug Pedwell, Liz Addison, Bruce Edmunds, Doug and BJ Martin, Jim and Karen Punnett, Joy Albrecht, Christine McMaster, Marilyn Ohler, Becky Grieveson, Bob and Anne Marie Taylor, Marshall Byle, Linda Neilson-Jones, Julie Sherwood, Natalie Robertson, Kiah Jasper. (26 participants).

HI Everyone,

"It was a dark and stormy day.” Not really stormy but we did get rain, and a lot of sunshine from our leader who led us to hearing and seeing 85 species of birds. Thank you, Captain Kiah for organizing a great outing for us.

Best birds of the day were late bound shorebirds, mostly at Brown’s Pond. which included, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Dunlin, Semipalmated Plover, a limping Lesser Yellow Legs, plus a near by Upland Sandpiper, also seen on the J/1 line. In the unseen, but much appreciated department, were Sora and Virginia Rails, along with Sedge and Winter Wren.

The weather was mostly overcast , rain came heavy early in our hike, followed by light rain for most of the day, The temperatures varied between 15 to 19 C.

Thank you to Marilyn for tabulating the birds we told her about, and to Margaret for keeping the participant list.

Places Visited:

1) En Route

2) Boat House

3) Horseshoe and Miramichi Bay

4) Independent Pond

5) Port Elgin Harbour

6) Goebel’s Grove

7) Tower Trail

8) Bruce Road 33

9) J/1 Line

10) Lunch at Tiny Tot Park in Kincardine

11) Chalmer’s Pond

12) Brown’s Pond

13) SR 30

14) J/1 line south of Concession 8

• Canada Goose (CANG)

• Mallard (MALL)

• Blue-winged Teal (BWTE)

• Northern Shoveler (NOSH)

• Common Merganser (COME)

• Red-breasted Merganser (RBME)

• Wild Turkey (WITU)

• Pied-billed Grebe (PBGR)

• Double-crested Cormorant (DCCO)

• Great Blue Heron (GBHE)

• Great Egret (GREG)

• Bald Eagle (BAEA)

• Virginia Rail (VIRA) DU Pond

• Sora (SORA) DU Pond

• Sandhill Crane (SACR)

• Semipalmated Plover (SEPL)

• Killdeer (KILL)

• Spotted Sandpiper (SPSA)

• Lesser Yellowlegs (LEYE) - 12

• Upland Sandpiper (UPSA) Conc. 2 before Brown’s Pond and 14

• Dunlin (DUNL) - 12

• Semipalmated Sandpiper (SESA) -12

• Wison's Snipe (WISN) -14

• Ring-billed Gull (RBGU)

• Herring Gull (HEGU)

• Lesser Black-backed Gull (LBBG) - 10

• Great Black-backed Gull (GBBG)

• Caspian Tern (CATE)

• Common Tern (COTE)

• Rock Pigeon (ROPI)

• Mourning Dove (MODO)

• Chimney Swift (CHSW) - 12

• Belted Kingfisher (BEKI)

• Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (YBSA)

• Northern Flicker (NOFL)

• American Kestrel (AMKE)

• Eastern Wood-Pewee (EAWP) -1

• Willow Flycatcher (WIFL)

• Least Flycatcher (LEFL)

• Eastern Phoebe (EAPH)

• Great Crested Flycatcher (GCFL)

• Eastern Kingbird (EAKI)

• Warbling Vireo (WAVI)

• Red-eyed Vireo (REVI)

• Blue Jay (BLJA)

• American Crow (AMCR)

• Common Raven (CORA)

• Horned Lark (HOLA)

• Purple Martin (PUMA)

• Tree Swallow (TRES)

• N Rough-winged Swallow (NRWS)

• Cliff Swallow ( CLSW)

• Barn Swallow (BARS)

• Black-capped Chickadee (BCCH)

• House Wren (HOWR)

• Winter Wren (WIWR)

• Sedge Wren (SEWR)

• Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (BGGN)

• Veery (VEER)

• American Robin (AMRO)

• Gray Catbird (GRCA)

• Brown Thrasher (BRTH)

• European Starling (EUST)

• Cedar Waxwing (CEDW)

• Ovenbird (OVEN)

• Common Yellowthroat (COYE)

• American Redstart (AMRE)

• Yellow Warbler (YWAR)

• Pine Warbler (PIWA)

• Eastern Towhee (EATO)

• Chipping Sparrow (CHSP)

• Field Sparrow (FISP)

• Song Sparrow (SOSP)

• Savannah Sparrow SASP)

• Swamp Sparrow (SWSP)

• Northern Cardinal (NOCA)

• Rose-breasted Grosbeak (RBGR)

• Indigo Bunting (INBU)

• Bobolink (BOBO)

• Red-winged Blackbird (RWBL)

• Eastern Meadowlark (EAME)

• Common Grackle (COGR)

• Baltimore Oriole (BAOR)

• American Goldfinch (AMGO)

• House Sparrow (HOSP)

85 Species Seen. Any errors or omissions, please contact sender.