Aug. 14 2019

Trip Leader: Fred Jazvac

Participants: Fred Jazvac, Judy Duncan, Margaret Anderton, Carole Lupton, Norma Nanni, Alfred Raab, Arlene Richards,, John and Kay Thompson, Christine McMaster, Marilyn Ohler, Lionel Gould, David Turner, Linda Neilson-Jones, Evelyn Brebner (15)

HI Everyone,

The purpose of the day was to find shorebirds, and we travelled a fair distance to two areas noted for the fall shorebird migration, the West Perth Wetlands (Mitchell), and the Wild Wood Reservoir (Harrington), to find them. The “Peeps” were in fine form today revealing to us four of the five species - Least, Semipalmated, Baird’s and White-rumped Sandpiper. The fifth, the Western Sandpiper, was… well… out west. In total, we saw 14 species of shorebirds in our final tally. Missing were the dowitchers and the phalaropes. Maybe in two weeks time when go out again, they will tease us with their presence. All in all, it was a productive shorebird day.

Thank you, Marilyn for keeping the bird list for us.

It was a glorious day with total sun, little wind and warm temperatures ranging between 21 and 25 C.

Areas visited:

  1. En Route

  2. West Perth Wetlands (Mitchell)

  3. Wild Wood Reservoir (Harrington)

• Canada Goose (CANG) -1,2,3

• Wood Duck (WODU)- 2

• Mallard (MALL)-2.3

• Northern Shoveler (NOSH)-2

• Blue-winged Teal (GWTE)- 2

• Wild Turkey (WITU) -3

• Double-crested Cormorant (DCCO) -3

• Great Blue Heron (GBHE) -2,3

• Great Egret (GREG) -3

• Turkey Vulture (TUVU) -3

• Osprey (OSPR) -3

• Cooper's Hawk (COHA) -2

• Sora (SORA) -2

• Black-bellied Plover (BBPL) -2

• Semipalmated Plover (SEPL) -2,3

• Killdeer (KILL) -2.3

• Spotted Sandpiper (SPSA) -2

• Solitary Sandpiper (SOSA) -2

• Greater Yellowlegs (GRYE) -2,3

• Lesser Yellowlegs (LEYE) -2,3

• Stilt Sandpiper (STSA) -2

• Baird's Sandpiper (BASA) -2

• Least Sandpiper (LESA) -2,3

• White-rumped Sandpiper (WRSA) -3

• Pectoral Sandpiper (PESA) -2,3

• Semipalmated Sandpiper (SESA) -2,3

• Wison's Snipe (WISN) -2

• Ring-billed Gull (RBGU) -2,3

• Herring Gull (HEGU) -3

• Caspian Tern (CATE) -3

• Rock Pigeon (ROPI) -1

• Mourning Dove (MODO) -1

• Belted Kingfisher (BEKI) -3

• Northern Flicker (NOFL) -2

• American Kestrel (AMKE) -1

• Merlin (MERL) -2

• Eastern Kingbird (EAKI) -2

• Blue Jay (BLJA) -1

• American Crow (AMCR) -1.2.3

• Tree Swallow (TRES) -1

• Cliff Swallow ( CLSW) -2

• Barn Swallow (BARS) -2

• Black-capped Chickadee (BCCH) -3

• American Robin (AMRO) -1

• European Starling (EUST) 1,2,3

• Cedar Waxwing (CEDW) -2

• Common Yellowthroat (COYE) - 2

• Savannah Sparrow (SAVS) -1

• Song Sparrow (SOSP) 2.3

• Red-winged Blackbird (RWBL) -1,2,3

• American Goldfinch (AMGO) -2,3

• House Sparrow (HOSP) -1

52 species

Any errors or omissions, please contact sender.