B Jan15

Trip Leader: John Cummings

Participants: Fred, Bonnie, Judy, Dave, John, Margaret, Norma, Stewart, Norah, Judith, Doug, Jim, Beryl, Mike, Melitta, Connie, Stephan and Carrie, Tanya, Bob and Anne-Marie

Thank you to John for his organization, his scouting and for taking us all out to enjoy a winter day. Also, thank you to Dave for helping John with the day and the scouting.

Twenty-two of us saw 28 species of birds to today which is a respectable number for a winter day. Highlights included finding Red-bellied Woodpecker more often than we are used to. The four Glaucous Gulls were a great find in a field near Doug’s which also included a Great Black-backed Gull. The two Northern Shrikes and 4 Snowy Owls brought smiles as well.

Weather today ranged with temperatures between -3 and -5 C, Some snow flurries in the morning with stiff winds settling down to quiet by afternoon.

Thank to Margaret for keeping the bird list for us.

Places Visited:

1) Enroute

2) Tanya’s House

3) Doug’s house plus field north of his farm on Doll Sideroad

4) Pat and Barb’s River farm

5) the Bruce Concession 10 and 12

6) North east corner of MacGregor.

• Wild Turkey (WITU) - 4, 1

• Common Goldeneye (COGO) - 1

• Red-tailed Hawk (RTHA) 1

• Rough-legged Hawk (RLHA) - 5

• Bald Eagle (BAEA) - 1

• American Kestrel (AMKE) -5

• Snowy Owl (SNOW) -5

• Mourning Dove (MODO) - 4

• Rock Pigeon (ROPI) -6

• Herring Gull (HEGU) -3

• Glaucous Gull (GLGU) -3

• Great Black-backed Gull (GBBG) -3

• Red-bellied Woodpecker (RBWO) - 2,3,4,

• Downy Woodpecker (DOWO) 2,3,4

• Hairy Woodpecker (HAWO) 2,4

• Blue Jay (BLJA)

• American Crow (AMCR)

• Northern Shrike (NSHR) -1

• American Robin (AMRO) -6

• Black-capped Chickadee (BCCH)

• Red-breasted Nuthatch (RBNU) -3

• Snow Bunting (SNBU) - 5

• Dark-eyed Junco (DEJU)

• American Tree Sparrow (ATSP) 2,3,4

• House Finch (HOFI) -4

• American Goldfinch (AMGO)

• Northern Cardinal (NOCA) 2.1.

• European Starling (EUST)

Number of species seen - 28