Nov. 2 2022

Hike Leaders: Shirley Harrison and Lynne Richardson.

Participants: Nigel Eves, Tammy Green, Andrew Wilson, Lynne Beaton, Rob Wray, Lionel Gould, Marilyn Ohler, Fred Jazvac, Shirley Harrison, Lynne Richardson, Norah Toth, Barb Palmer, Judy Duncan, Donna Kearns, Rob Kearns, Margaret Anderton, Carole Lupton, Arlene Richards, Mary-Anne Knowles, Ralph Knowles (20 people)

I started out feeling sorry for our two hike leaders, Shirley and Lynne. November is considered waterfowl season, and it looked like the lack of very cold days pushing northern water birds south to escape frigid frozen water, didn’t happen. Much to my surprise, while large bird numbers failed to show, the number of individual species of waterfowl seen was quite impressive - 18 species in total. Also, considering that the fall southern migration is almost over, and wintering birds have only shown up in small numbers; we did see an impressive total number of bird species - 38. Not bad, eh!

The highlight of the day was a distant Peregrine Falcon who sat out for us, then proceeded to capture a bird of disputed identity, and ate it in an empty Osprey stand. It was one of those moments when nature showed you how things work in the real world. The Peregrine then teased us by disappearing into adjacent trees away from our prying eyes.

The weather provided a beautiful sunny day, about 16C., bright blue sky with the wind deciding to take a day off.

Thank you, Shirley and Lynne for planning and taking us to places we don’t normally go, for giving us a great day of birding, and an opportunity to socialize with our birding friends again.

Birds Seen:

The eBird list below was provided by Marilyn. The time and locations of where the birds were seen is also provided. Thank you, Marilyn for sharing your eBirdl list with us.

eBird Checklist Summary for: Nov 2, 2022

Number of Checklists: 9

Number of Taxa: 38

Checklists included in this summary:

(1): 48 Arthur St W, Thornbury CA-ON 44.56386, -80.45617

Date: Nov 2, 2022 at 9:01 AM

(2): Thornbury Mill Pond

Date: Nov 2, 2022 at 9:46 AM

(3): Thornbury Sewage Lagoons

Date: Nov 2, 2022 at 10:03 AM

(4): Clendenan CA

Date: Nov 2, 2022 at 10:46 AM

(5): Highway 26, The Blue Mountains CA-ON 44.54970, -80.43194

Date: Nov 2, 2022 at 11:27 AM

(6): Collingwood Harbour trails

Date: Nov 2, 2022 at 11:46 AM

(7): Collingwood Harbour trails

Date: Nov 2, 2022 at 12:49 PM

(8): Collingwood Harbour

Date: Nov 2, 2022 at 1:58 PM

(9): 329 Balsam St, Collingwood CA-ON 44.51179, -80.23703

Date: Nov 2, 2022 at 2:21 PM

86 Canada Goose -- (2),(4),(7)

24 Mute Swan -- (2),(7),(8)

1 Trumpeter Swan -- (7)

1 Blue-winged Teal -- (3)

1 Gadwall -- (7)

6 American Wigeon -- (7)

238 Mallard -- (2),(3),(4),(7),(9)

1 American Black Duck -- (7)

6 Green-winged Teal -- (7)

25 Redhead -- (7)

1 Lesser Scaup -- (3)

2 Surf Scoter -- (7)

1 Black Scoter -- (7)

4 Long-tailed Duck -- (8)

55 Bufflehead -- (3),(9)

13 Common Goldeneye -- (3),(8)

46 Hooded Merganser -- (2),(4),(7),(9)

6 Red-breasted Merganser -- (8)

4 Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) -- (3)

8 American Coot -- (7)

5 Ring-billed Gull -- (2),(7)

3 Herring Gull -- (7)

3 Double-crested Cormorant -- (2),(4)

3 Great Blue Heron -- (4),(9)

1 Belted Kingfisher -- (7)

1 Red-bellied Woodpecker -- (7)

2 Downy Woodpecker -- (7)

1 Peregrine Falcon -- (9)

7 Blue Jay -- (2),(3),(4),(9)

6 American Crow -- (1),(2),(4),(6)

15 Black-capped Chickadee -- (3),(4),(6),(9)

1 Golden-crowned Kinglet -- (3)

5 White-breasted Nuthatch -- (2),(6),(7)

21 European Starling -- (1),(5)

6 American Robin -- (1),(2),(3),(6)

2 Evening Grosbeak -- (3)

4 American Goldfinch -- (4),(7)

1 Yellow-rumped Warbler -- (4)

This trip summary was created using the eBird app for iPhone and iPad.

See eBird for more information.

“Cultivating an attitude of gratitude “

Photo courtesy of Lynne Richardson