Nov. 1 2023

Hi BBC; Here is a report from Lynne about yesterday's BBC hike. There was some wintery weather and many participants were not able to attend.

From Lynne

Here is the species list for our abbreviated outing today. Although Thornbury had no snow overnight or in the morning, by 10ish it started up and we packed it in not too long after for an early lunch at my place. 

I was surprised to hear how awful the road conditions were from those who did make it over! It shows how you can't rely on just the leader(s) for a weather or road report, if there is a distance to travel! 

Participants: Lynne Richardson, Shirley Harrison, Lucie Desjardin, Kirby Philips, Nigel Eves (Thornbury contingent), Alfred Raab, Carole Lupton, Norma Nanni, Margaret Anderton.