April 20 2022

Hike Leaders: Marshall Byle, Wanda Byle and James Turland, with Wanda leading us around her kitchen overflowing with organization and food.

Participants: Marshall Byle, James Turland, Fred Jazvac, Marilyn Ohler, Bill Klein, Martha Lawrence, Margaret Anderton, Susan Weaver, Bill and Janet Hatten, Ralph and Mary-Ann Knowles, Doug and BJ Marting, Jenny Halpin, Lynn Beaton, Brenda Collins, Conny Plante, and Kiah Jasper (19)

It was a rewarding day for us, by a combination of happenings - getting outside for the day, great food and camaraderie at our potluck, and finding 81 species of birds. My personal best bird of the day was the Great White-fronted Goose, a bird that Marilyn and I had chased this spring with no result. Then with no thoughts or expectations, one appeared magically at Chalmer’s Pond. Sparrows played a part in our successful day, with the Vesper Sparrow getting the most rave reviews, and the Savannah Sparrow trying to out do it by putting on a display of exhibitionism. Ruby and Golden-crowned KIngletss appeared several times today, not sitting still, teasing and frustrating both photographers and viewers.

Marshall and Wanda gave us a warm welcome in their beautiful home, as we ate both brunch and supper there. The potluck had a great array of food and we did what normal all day birders would do - we overate. A special thank you to Wanda for entertaining us in her beautiful home and letting us feel comfortable being there. Thank your to our hike leaders, Marshal and James. How lucky we are to have them in the BBC. They enjoyed sharing their knowledge and entertaining us with little tidbits of information.

Two non avian critters appeared during our hike - a Fox and a Coyote, both carrying prey in their mouths.

The day was mostly cloudy with winds that made us feel comfortable. The low was 2C, rising to about 9 C.

Thank you, Marilyn for keeping the bird list found below.


eBird Checklist Summary for: Apr 20, 2022

Number of Checklists: 15

Number of Taxa: 81

Checklists included in this summary:

(1): Kincardine--Kincardine Trails (Broadway Street)

Date: Apr 20, 2022 at 8:21 AM

(2): Kincardine--Sewage Lagoons

Date: Apr 20, 2022 at 8:25 AM

(3): Inverlyn estates

Date: Apr 20, 2022 at 10:27 AM

(4): Kincardine--Kincardine Trails (Broadway Street)

Date: Apr 20, 2022 at 10:54 AM

(5): 2286–2466 Sideroad 10, Kincardine CA-ON (44.2088,-81.5308)

Date: Apr 20, 2022 at 11:17 AM

(6): Chalmers Pond

Date: Apr 20, 2022 at 11:20 AM

(7): Marwanda Estates

Date: Apr 20, 2022 at 11:57 AM

(8): 14–22 Albert Rd, Kincardine CA-ON (44.2872,-81.5867)

Date: Apr 20, 2022 at 1:12 PM

(9): Inverhuron Provincial Park

Date: Apr 20, 2022 at 1:15 PM

(10): 1565 Concession 2, Kincardine CA-ON 44.28979, -81.54794

Date: Apr 20, 2022 at 2:12 PM

(11): Ji Side road

Date: Apr 20, 2022 at 2:52 PM

(12): Concession 8

Date: Apr 20, 2022 at 4:06 PM

(13): Bruce County--Baie du Dore

Date: Apr 20, 2022 at 4:34 PM

(14): 1601–1679 Concession Rd 2, Kincardine CA-ON 44.29398, -81.55696

Date: Apr 20, 2022 at 5:14 PM

(15): Marwanda Estates

Date: Apr 20, 2022 at 5:31 PM

1 Greater White-fronted Goose -- (6)

91 Canada Goose -- (2),(3),(6)

2 Mute Swan -- (13)

3 Wood Duck -- (2)

2 Blue-winged Teal -- (2)

2 Northern Shoveler -- (6)

6 Mallard -- (6),(10),(11)

2 Green-winged Teal -- (6),(13)

2 Redhead -- (3)

16 Ring-necked Duck -- (2),(3),(6)

1 Lesser Scaup -- (6)

5 Greater/Lesser Scaup -- (2)

1 White-winged Scoter -- (13)

11 Bufflehead -- (2),(9)

2 Common Goldeneye -- (13)

2 Hooded Merganser -- (3)

8 Common Merganser -- (3),(13)

9 Red-breasted Merganser -- (3),(13)

1 Ruddy Duck -- (2)

5 Wild Turkey -- (14)

1 Pied-billed Grebe -- (3)

1 Horned Grebe -- (9)

1 Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) -- (5)

9 Mourning Dove -- (2),(11)

3 Killdeer -- (2),(3),(6)

1 Wilson's Snipe -- (15)

3 Greater Yellowlegs -- (13)

1 Bonaparte's Gull -- (3)

7 Ring-billed Gull -- (1),(6),(9)

4 Herring Gull -- (13)

1 Great Black-backed Gull -- (13)

1 Common Loon -- (9)

7 Double-crested Cormorant -- (3),(13)

15 Turkey Vulture -- (3),(10),(11),(13)

2 Northern Harrier -- (2),(12)

1 Cooper's Hawk -- (10)

14 Bald Eagle -- (11),(13)

2 Red-tailed Hawk -- (6),(11)

1 Rough-legged Hawk -- (11)

2 Belted Kingfisher -- (3),(9)

3 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker -- (2)

4 Red-bellied Woodpecker -- (2)

5 Downy Woodpecker -- (2),(11)

4 Northern Flicker -- (2),(8),(9)

4 American Kestrel -- (2),(11)

3 Eastern Phoebe -- (2),(11),(13)

1 Blue Jay -- (9)

10 American Crow -- (2),(4),(7),(10),(11),(12)

2 Common Raven -- (6),(10)

13 Black-capped Chickadee -- (2),(7),(9)

2 Horned Lark -- (11)

6 Tree Swallow -- (2),(3),(13)

2 Barn Swallow -- (3)

6 Ruby-crowned Kinglet -- (2),(9),(10)

6 Golden-crowned Kinglet -- (2),(9),(10)

1 Winter Wren -- (2)

5 European Starling -- (2),(4)

5 Eastern Bluebird -- (11),(12)

3 Hermit Thrush -- (2)

14 American Robin -- (2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(11),(12)

10 House Sparrow -- (1),(4)

3 House Finch -- (2),(5)

1 Purple Finch -- (7)

19 American Goldfinch -- (2),(7),(9),(15)

5 Chipping Sparrow -- (7),(8),(10),(15)

1 Field Sparrow -- (11)

3 American Tree Sparrow -- (10),(11)

1 Fox Sparrow -- (2)

5 Dark-eyed Junco -- (2),(8)

5 Vesper Sparrow -- (11)

7 Savannah Sparrow -- (11)

16 Song Sparrow -- (2),(3),(6),(7),(9),(10),(11),(15)

1 Swamp Sparrow -- (2)

1 Eastern Towhee -- (2)

6 Eastern Meadowlark -- (2),(11),(12)

13 Red-winged Blackbird -- (2),(7),(11),(15)

5 Brown-headed Cowbird -- (2)

6 Common Grackle -- (3),(7)

1 Pine Warbler -- (15)

10 Yellow-rumped Warbler -- (2),(8),(11)

4 Northern Cardinal -- (2)

This trip summary was created using the eBird app for iPhone and iPad.

See eBird for more information.

“Cultivating an attitude of gratitude “