K-Oct 19th

Trip Leaders: Liz and Margaret


Fourteen of us braved dire weather reports to go to the well organized trip planned by both Liz and Margaret.  Thank you for their hospitality, coffee and goodies at Margaret's house.

In the end we had a pretty good day taking in 62 species of birds.  The highlight of the day was to find a flock of migrating Eastern Bluebirds on Fletcher Road near Allenford that were flitting back and forth from a plowed field and row of trees and shrubs.  Their brilliant  colours seem to shine out loudly against the darkness of the weather and their wet surroundings. Other good sightings were the Horned and Red-necked Grebes and a plethora of Sandhill Cranes.  Migrating winter residents seen today were American Tree Sparrow, Rough- legged Hawk, and Dark-eyed Junco.

The weather was a steady 9 C. with light rain bursts, windy with winds picking up as the day went on with steady rains starting about 3:30 PM.

Lunch in Tim Horton's in Hepworth.

1 - Independent Ponds in Port Elgin

2 - Miramichi and Horseshoe Bay

3 - Liz's house

4 - Southampton Harbour

5 - Margaret's House

6 - Field Side Road, Allenford

62 species seen

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