G-September 7

Hello everyone,

Regarding the next Bruce Birding Club trip on Wednesday, September 7th. We will meet at the boathouse in Southampton at 8:00 a.m. On Monday more information will follow about the route, once we have completed scouting.  We will be visiting several familiar spots and at least a couple of new ones, with the intent of going to a variety of habitats. We would like to invite all the participants for lunch at our home on the 7th.  Please RSVP to this email by Friday, September 2nd, in order that we can plan for food before the holiday weekend. Good birding,

 Trip Leader: Mike and Helen   

Participants: 24

We had an excellent birding day seeing 56 species of birds with the best bird of the day being the Buff Breasted Sandpiper, a first record for the club.  We had an excellent shorebird day netting 11 species of shorebirds including Baird's Sandpiper. Oliphant Beach provided 8 of them including the Baird's and Buff Breasted Sandpiper.   MIke was an excellent leader and his organization provided many birds for us.

We would like to thank Mike and Helen for their hospitality in hosting the participants to a wonderful lunch prepared by Helen.  The food was delicious and the friendliness, warmth and generosity was outstanding.

It was a nice day with mostly sun, light winds and with a high of 19 C.

1 - En Route

2 - Independent Pond, Port Elgin

3 - Miramchi Bay

4 - Horseshoe Bay

5 - Oliphant Beach north of Spry Lake Road

6 - Private Farm Bognor

7 - Bognor Marsh

       • Pied-billed Grebe - 7

       • Double-crested Cormorant -2

       • Great Blue Heron -1

       • Great Egret - 3

       • Canada Goose -1

       • Wood Duck - 7

       • Mallard

       • American Black Duck -3

       • Northern Pintail -3

       • Northern Shoveler -1

       • Blue-winged Teal -1, 4

       • American Green-winged Teal -1

       • Common Merganser -3,4

       • Turkey Vulture

       • Northern Harrier -7

       • Sharp-shinned Hawk -5

       • Cooper's Hawk -5

       • Bald Eagle -4

       • Merlin -7

       • American Kestrel -1

       • Wild Turkey -1

       • Sandhill Crane -1

       • Black-bellied Plover -5

       • American Golden Plover -5

       • Semipalmated Plover -5

       • Killdeer -5

       • Greater Yellowlegs -4

       • Lesser Yellowlegs -1

       • Spotted Sandpiper -4

       • Pectoral Sandpiper -5

       • Baird's Sandpiper -5

       • Semipalmated Sandpiper - 5

       • Buff-breasted Sandpiper -5

       • Ring-billed Gull

       • Herring Gull

       • Caspian Tern -3

       • Mourning Dove -1

       • Rock Pigeon -1

       • Belted Kingfisher -1, 7

       • Downy Woodpecker -6

       • Pileated Woodpecker -4

       • Red-eyed Vireo -7

       • Blue Jay -1

       • American Crow -1,5

       • Tree Swallow -7

       • Black-capped Chickadee -6

       • Red-breasted Nuthatch -6

       • White-breasted Nuthatch -6

       • Winter Wren -6

       • American Robin

       • European Starling

       • Cedar Waxwing

       • Northern Cardinal -1

       • Red-winged Blackbird -1,6

       • American Goldfinch -2

       • House Sparrow -1

BBC Scoping at Oliphant for the groups first ever Buff-breasted sandpiper.