April 6, 2022

Shorebirds. Photo by Marilyn Ohler

HI Everyone,

It was the last chance saloon in waterfowl season. This was shown by the number of waterfowl present in the last two days. The population today may have been reduced by half from yesterday’s scouting trip. While spring migrants are not even close to their peak, we did get to see some first year sightings, that raised our enthusiasm - Dunlin, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Eastern Phoebe, Wilson Snipe, Tree Swallow, and AmericanCoot. We had nineteen people out for our hike today. .

One of our goals was to go to new places we don’t usually bird, like SR 20 just past Elsinore, and the Grey Bruce Line, Lynn Beaton expanded that along with our birding opportunities by showing us places we had not planned on visiting. Thank you, Lynn.

We were also blessed with good weather. Temperatures rose as high as 15C, and sky cover ranged from sunny to cloudy. Winds were at times harsh getting up to 60 K.

Thank you James for compiling the list below and sending it out to all those obsessive eBirders. James’ slightly modified list is below.

Participant List:

Hike Leader: Fred Jazvac

Marilyn Ohler

BJ and Doug Martin

Doug Pedwell

Mike Pickett

Carole Lupton

Norma Nanni

Margaret Anderton

Bill Hatten

Lynn Beaton

Sue Weaver

Jenni Alpen

Pat and Rod Sein

Judy Wyatt

Becky Grieveson

James Turland

Judy Duncan

Areas Visited:

Saugeen Shores, SR 20 of Arron Elderslie, Grey Bruce Line. Grimstone Flats, Miramichi , Independent Pond and Chalmer's Pond

6-Apr-2022 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Protocol: Traveling

75.0 kilometer(s)

Checklist Comments: BBC Outing Fred Jazvac Leading

56 species

Species Seen:

Snow Goose X

Canada Goose X

Mute Swan X

Tundra Swan X

Wood Duck X

Blue-winged Teal X

American Wigeon X

Mallard X

American Black Duck X

Northern Pintail X

Green-winged Teal X

Ring-necked Duck X

Lesser Scaup X

Bufflehead X

Common Goldeneye X

Hooded Merganser X

Common Merganser X

Red-breasted Merganser X

Wild Turkey X

Ruffed Grouse X

Pied-billed Grebe X

Mourning Dove X

American Coot X

Sandhill Crane X

Killdeer X

Wilson's Snipe X

Greater Yellowlegs X

Ring-billed Gull X

Herring Gull X

Double-crested Cormorant X

Great Blue Heron X

Turkey Vulture X

Northern Harrier X

Bald Eagle X

Red-tailed Hawk X

Belted Kingfisher X

Downy Woodpecker X

Northern Flicker X

American Kestrel X

Merlin X

Eastern Phoebe X

Blue Jay X

American Crow X

Common Raven X

Black-capped Chickadee X

Horned Lark X

Tree Swallow X

European Starling X

Eastern Bluebird X

American Robin X

Dark-eyed Junco X

Song Sparrow X

Eastern Meadowlark X

Red-winged Blackbird X

Common Grackle X

Northern Cardinal X

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S106418736

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