Oct. 5 2022

Trip Leaders: James and Simon Turland, and in the most gracious host category - Becky Grieveson.

Participants: Alfred Raab, Judy Wyatt, BJ and Doug Martin, Liz Addison, Bruce Edmunds, Beckie Grieveson, James Turland, Simon Turland, Margaret Anderton, Jenny Halpin, Barbara Palmer, Judy Duncan, Sue Harrison, Lynn Beaton, Vi Waller,Rob Wray, Carole Lupton, Norma Nanni, Norah Toth, Shirley Harrison, Bob and Anne-Marie Taylor, Jaqueline

HI Everyone,

Top sightings of the day were White-rumped Sandpiper, American Golden Plover, Blue Phase Snow Goose, and Peregrine Falcon. These birds were definitely worth getting out of bed for. We saw 59 species today which is really great considering the time of year.

James Turland, is a well known and well liked outstanding hike leader. He demonstrated this by telling us what we expected to find at our next stop and after we left that area, he would sum up the birds we just saw. James is also a package coming with a couple of really hike enhancing people who turned this hike into a great birding and social event. Simon Turland who seems to pick out birds from out of nowhere added much to our hikes Beckie Greiveson is a really good planner and hosted the prefect lunch setting for us. All this in the midst of beautiful gardens and bird habitat. She is natural caregiver which leads us to be more than well looked after. Thank you, James, Simon and Beckie for making this a great day for us.

And oh, the soup! Scrumptious!

HI Fred; Sorry the list of birds I sent out was missing some species. Here is a corrected list. Turns out we saw 60 species yesterday. With the last bird of the day being a late Parula Simon found at the lagoons. Thanks for all your kind words. Cheers james

BBC outing Oct. 5th 2022

60 species

Snow Goose X

Cackling Goose X

Canada Goose X

Mute Swan X

Wood Duck X

American Wigeon X

Mallard X

Northern Pintail X

Green-winged Teal X

Redhead X

Greater Scaup X

Hooded Merganser X

Wild Turkey X

Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) X

Mourning Dove X

American Golden-Plover X con

Killdeer X

White-rumped Sandpiper X pics

Pectoral Sandpiper X

Lesser Yellowlegs X

Ring-billed Gull X

Herring Gull X

Great Blue Heron X

Great Egret X

Turkey Vulture X

Bald Eagle X

Red-tailed Hawk X

Belted Kingfisher X

Red-bellied Woodpecker X

Downy Woodpecker X

Hairy Woodpecker X

Northern Flicker X

American Kestrel X

Peregrine Falcon X

Blue Jay X

American Crow X

Common Raven X

Black-capped Chickadee X

Horned Lark X

Ruby-crowned Kinglet X

Golden-crowned Kinglet X

Red-breasted Nuthatch X

European Starling X

Gray Catbird X

American Robin X

American Pipit X

American Goldfinch X

Lapland Longspur X

Dark-eyed Junco X

White-crowned Sparrow X

White-throated Sparrow X

Savannah Sparrow X

Song Sparrow X

Rusty Blackbird X

Common Yellowthroat X

Northern Parula X well seen with bins

Magnolia Warbler X

Palm Warbler X

Yellow-rumped Warbler X

Northern Cardinal X

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S120031473