I May 6

Hi All; A perfect weather day made this a pleasurable outing. With the combined Bruce Birding Club and Huron Fringe Field Naturalists there were 32 participants. Birds were elusive but prime birding season has definitely started as we saw 9 warbler species. By the time you get 32 people snaked out on the trail the lead is seeing different birds than the tail and many birds were seen by one end or the other. Some memorable birds were a Black-throated blue Warbler, two flyover Sandhill Cranes, and five distant diving Horned Grebes. A pair of Red-bellied Woodpeckers gave some precious looks as they were setting up housekeeping in a nesting hole. We spent the morning hiking the trails near the lagoons. Most folks pulled out at lunch time but a few lingered on into the afternoon when a trip to lake Huron added a few species. We finished in my backyard were the flowers stole the show. Thanks to Ralph and Mary Anne Knowles for helping guide and keeping the list. In the following email are some photos from Bob Taylor showing some typical warbler poses and how often they are obscured by branches. Cheers James

LEADER; James Turland

PARTICIPANTS;Liz Addison, Joy Albrecht, Linda + Jack Campbell, Mary Campbell, Paul Coulter, Gina Davis, Bruce Edmunds, Pat Gay, Val + Dave Gibson, Becky Grieveson, Catherine Hogg, Alice Kain, Bill Klein, Mary-anne Knowles, Ralph Knowles, Betty Lamont, Beryl Lougher, Beryl Pearse, Jim Punnett, Ray Ried, Werner Sukstorf, Bob Taylor, Kay + John Thompson, James Turland, Helen VanderGlass, Linda Fraser Waldmann, Barbara Wallis, Susan Winslow + Don Kreisel

Kincardine + area, Bruce, CA-ON

May 6, 2015 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Protocol: Traveling

5.0 kilometer(s)

Comments: BBC + HFFN Hike

66 species

Canada Goose X

Wood Duck X

Mallard X

Green-winged Teal X

Lesser Scaup X

Bufflehead X

Common Goldeneye X

Common Merganser X

Red-breasted Merganser X

Horned Grebe X

Double-crested Cormorant X

Turkey Vulture X

Sandhill Crane X

Killdeer X

Ring-billed Gull X

Herring Gull X

Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) X

Mourning Dove X

Belted Kingfisher X

Red-bellied Woodpecker X

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker X

Downy Woodpecker X

Northern Flicker X

Great Crested Flycatcher X

Eastern Kingbird X

Blue-headed Vireo X

Warbling Vireo X

Red-eyed Vireo X

Blue Jay X

American Crow X

Tree Swallow X

Barn Swallow X

Black-capped Chickadee X

White-breasted Nuthatch X

Brown Creeper X

House Wren X

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher X

Ruby-crowned Kinglet X

Wood Thrush X

American Robin X

European Starling X

Northern Waterthrush X

Black-and-white Warbler X

Nashville Warbler X

Common Yellowthroat X

Yellow Warbler X

Black-throated Blue Warbler X

Palm Warbler X

Pine Warbler X

Yellow-rumped Warbler X

Black-throated Green Warbler X

Chipping Sparrow X

Field Sparrow X

Savannah Sparrow X

Song Sparrow X

White-throated Sparrow X

White-crowned Sparrow X

Dark-eyed Junco X

Northern Cardinal X

Rose-breasted Grosbeak X

Red-winged Blackbird X

Common Grackle X

Brown-headed Cowbird X

Purple Finch X

Pine Siskin X

American Goldfinch X