C Feb 4

BBC north adventure.

weather -1 to -6 C. No, or little, wind. Grey day, some snow flurries, especially late in day; at times no snow.

back roads snow covered.

Leader; Judith K

Participants: A brave group of 12 (either didn't know where we were going, or, wanted lunch at the Green Door).

Carole, Norma, Judith B, Christine, Doug P, Jim P, Bonnie, Linda FW, Judy, Norah, Dian W, Judith K

Anticipating a low count (species and numbers) we counted the birds seen.

Wiarton and south

Red-tailed Hawk 1

Black-capped Chickadee 69

Blue Jay 1

Mourning Dove 9

White-breasted Nuthatch 5

Red-breasted Nuthatch 3

American Crow 1

Wild Turkey 26

Common Goldeneye 31

American Goldfinch 2

Hairy Woodpecker 1

Downy Woodpecker 1

Northern Cardinal 2

Common Redpoll 2

north of Wiarton - back roads in Bruce County up to Spry

Snowy Owl 2

American Crow 4

Common Raven 15

Northern Cardinal 2

Black-capped Chickadee 48

Bald Eagle 1

Downy Woodpecker 1

Tree Sparrow 5

18 species and lots of clean quiet and beautiful snow scenes.

Most of our time was Wiarton south. The increasing snow-coming-down volume moved us south. Dian took us to several feeders around Sauble, sure helped the # of species and numbers. Thanks Dian.