Younger Students Are Having Trouble Reading. What Can We Do?

By: Yi, Reksmae and Darsono, Shannon


In recent months, teachers have been fleeing to social media in complaint that children cannot read and keep up with grade reading levels due to issues with a curriculum called balanced literacy.

Balanced literacy is commonly used among teachers across the United States. According to school administrators, balanced literacy has failed many students and teachers, leading the Philadelphia School District to push the science of reading and phonics in English curriculums.

"The science of reading is the better option. I think they´re finding success in other states," said John Ciccarelli, physics teacher.

Renae Curless, a teacher who teaches English to eighth and tenth grades at Carver states she’s aware of the problem, but believes Carver is isolated from the issue.

“I don’t think that we have to deal with it as much here because they have to have test scores to come in.” said Renae Curless.

Even outside of school parents have seen the issue grow as ADHD rates rise and kids get more addicted to screens. As children are more likely to be given screens than to be read to.

"I think, you know, attention and attention deficit has likely grown and I'm sure it's attributable to some of the issues, especially with distractions growing, you know, screen use on the rise," said  John Ciccarelli physics teacher.

In a 2023 study by Lanmei Yi, it was found that there was a 4.1% increase in ADHD from 1997-1998 to 2015-2016

Not to mention that libraries are going out of style with students and parents don't have the time to take the children to the library to form an appreciation for reading. Typically due to time constraint or perhaps a lack of funds. 

"Provide the kid with books early on, whether it's by buying them or taking them to the library if they can't afford to buy books or whatever. So in other words, your economic, status should not determine your literacy," said Winikur English teacher at Carver.

But even so, some teachers believe that the teaching is not the issue, it is the students and how preoccupied they are with their phones. This is definitely a reoccurring issue that many teachers complain rightfully complain about

¨The majority of the students don't read I think they're very preoccupied with social media and other media. So yes, I think that they don't value reading literature.¨said Winikur

Still, some teachers remain concerned about what is being taught to students within the classroom. Especially since many of them have children themselves.

Mr.Winikur in his class on May/22/2024

"I'm especially aware of this because all three of my kids have reading disabilities. So yeah, the science of reading and phonics and how reading is taught is a major concern of mine," said Ciccarelli.

While the fiery debate continues in the school district between balanced literacy and the science of reading one thing is for sure among teachers here at Carver.

"I know that the only way to improve your reading level is to read more," said Winikur.