Where do teens get their perception of love from?

Samira Garland

January 23rd, 2024

While actively learning about themselves, teenagers across the country are exploring their romantic feelings most efficiently: through relationships. But where do teens get their ideas and perception of love from? 

Teenagers are most known for indulging in romantic relationships. But, romantic attraction can start as early as age 10. This romantic attraction, called a “crush”, is an important element in building basic skills and discovering one’s self.

”They are an important step in developing normal and healthy romantic relationships, and provide opportunities to learn how to compromise and communicate.” UC Davis Health says.

As these children grow into teenagers, this crush becomes something more serious. Teenagers start to explore their feelings further by getting into relationships. But, what do teenagers value in these relationships?

”I value care, honesty, and communication in a partner. Someone that likes spending time with me and is loyal,” Carver Sophomore Nataly Segura stated.

Values that are learned in childhood transpire in their future relationships. They also gain the ability to differentiate between healthy and toxic relationships.

”A healthy relationship looks like two people loving and supporting each other for who they are,” PCCMC Sophomore Mila Scott-Jones said. 

“When I visualize a toxic relationship, I see a relationship that’s filled with constant arguing, little to no trust, and unhappiness” Isaiah Flaunders of New Foundations added.

Where exactly do these ideas come from? 

”I get my ideas of love from relationships in my family. But, I also think movies and social media have played a role in my idea of love” Nataly said.

In a survey conducted by Pew Research in 2015, 59% of teens said that social media makes them feel more connected with their significant other. 27% said that social media makes them feel more insecure about their relationship.

”Social media can have a negative influence on the relationship, but you can also learn a lot about your person through what they put online and how they present themselves on social media” Nataly adds.

An important factor in any relationship are boundaries. Setting, comprehending, and respecting boundaries mean that you’re on track for a healthy relationship. 

”I set healthy boundaries and respect my girlfriend’s boundaries as well. If she says she doesn’t like something, I won’t go out of my way to do it. "Respect is very valuable to me in relationships,” Isaiah said.

BetterHelp’s advice on a successful teen relationship is prioritizing getting to know yourself, considering what’s best for you, and keeping a balanced social life on top of your relationship.

“Every relationship should include the acceptance of separate social lives, and every relationship, adult or teen, should have the luxury of personal space and voicing concerns when you need to,” Mila says.