Advice For Seniors 

By: Jordyn Williams 

January 25,2021 

As we approach the end of our senior year and start our adventure into adulthood are we really prepared for what is to come next? After what feels like a short lived childhood and the 4 years of high school flying by, in a few months we we’ll be allowed to dictate our own futures and write or own narratives and what will yours say?

This article is not to fear you of the future but to ensure you that as much as we hate to show it all of us are in the same boat, excited yet scared and prepared but uncertain. But just think of what we have all already accomplished : Applying to our first university, getting our first acceptance and being half way done our senior year, but we still have a lot more to do before we can confidential walk across the virtual stage. So here is a list of the top five things you should do before graduation.

Top 5 things you need to do before Graduation :

  1. Get your Drivers Liscense

Driving is a right of massage for all teenagers it allows us not to depend on anyone to get where you need to go. If you have not started the process now is the time. Step one is getting your permit and any student at E&S can pass that test as long as you STUDY!  To make easy for you their is an app Pa Driver’s License Practice Test.

2. Find a job 

Working and having your own source of income is a sense of accomplishment. You get to decided when and how this money is going to be used. I suggest instead of buying things you don’t need SAVE. You never know what might happen while your away at school. Since you all are 17 and 18 years old finding a job shouldn't be hard but it all starts with how you present your self. Sp start with your resume. Here is a link to help you start : Resume Builder

3. Start your short list for Colleges !

By now you should start keeping track of what university you have gotten into and how much financial aid you will be receiving. Some of us are super organized and could probably create a chart comparing and contrasting schools but for others it’s okay to simply make a google doc or even keeping this information in your notes. As long as you write this information down.

4. Establish credit 

Establish credit is essential as we are heading to college and purchasing our first cars. You can start by getting on your parents plan if they have good credit or get one on your own. Just make sure your during research before signing up for anything  so you find the best process for you. Here is a link to : how to establish credit as a teen

5. Register to vote 

Since most of us are near our 18th Birthday's it is time to start participating in you right to vote. Voting allows you to actively inflict change and question already set ideas. There are four ways you can register, online, mail in, at registration office or at Penndot. Here is a link to a step by step process in any method you choose  : How to register to vote 

Advice From Teachers : 

Mr.TB advises us to spend time with our friends and family and enjoy our youth.

Ms. Puntel asks us to talk to people who don’t share the same opinion or ideals as us.

Ms. Townsend advises us to never stop learning, serve others and to be kind.

Ms. Jones advises us to always be "a good human" and to worry less about what our peers think of us.

Ms.Bradley asks us to follow the path that leads us to the most joy...and the least amount of debt.

Ms.Moore advises us to rely on your people. Ask questions. Ask for help. Make choices based on possibility instead of fear.