Teenage Drivers Should You Reconsider Driving?

By: Paris Dais-Coaxum

November 2,2022
Fatal crashes of teen drivers between the ages 16-17 have increased 19% since 2011. Being inexperienced and distracted are some of the many causes of teenage fatal crashes.

Adult driving in the city, which can help emphasis the anticipation of driving for teens. The car being the subject in the photo with bright lights and buildings around show what teens might be excited for when driving.

Driving is a key moment in teens' lives. It illustrates that they are a step closer to adulthood. So the anticipation for driving is high.
Teen driver Elijah stated he ”started driving as soon as he got his permit.”
While wasting no time teen drivers' lives are more at risk. Teens ages 13-19 take up 33% of fatal car crashes. Ages 16-19 are at the highest risk of being in a fatal car crash. Ultimately having teenage drivers nearly three times as likely as drivers aged 20 or older to be in fatal car accidents.
So why let teens drive at all? Parent of two teens, Kevin Latchford, explained that,”Life is a risk. Everything is dangerous, you just have to trust your kid to be responsible.”
Teenagers’ lives are at risk everyday, but to try and avoid teenage fatal crashes from ages 13-19 there is only one solution to a universal problem. Raise the driving age.
When asked if the driving age should be raised, a parent of two teens, Shrieber expressed “I think there's a maturity and I feel like my daughter is mature for the most part. But there's also experience that comes into play.”
I took a poll on a popular media app,Instagram, and all of my peers said the driving age should not be raised. When I asked teenage driver Elijah why he voiced,”No, I don't think it should be raised because I feel like 18 is kind of like you're gonna go into the world as a lost puppy. You know, you're not gonna know anything so I feel like getting that experience before you are like an adult is important.”
Inexperience is a major role of teen fatal car crashes,but distraction as well.

Teen, Antoine Coaxum grade 8th, seeing a poll made on Instagram about raising the teenage driving age, to help illustrate the significance of his opinion.

When informed about the distractions while driving Latchford stated,”I think cell phones are ridiculously dangerous and most of us use them all the time.” Phones are just one of many distractions that can jeopardize teen lives. Turning on windshield wipers, turning signals, music, the radio,friends,gps,etc. Distractions that are deadly.
From the outside looking in, raising the age requirement for driving would save many teenage lives. Teens between 13-19 would be able to practice driving more and become experienced and responsible. A possible solution to the problem.
Elijah expressed,”It really becomes easier.” With teens taking up 33% of fatal car crashes there could be a way for there to be 0%.
To the teenage drivers and parents of teenage drivers we would like to say,
”Be safe and don't be afraid to put those yellow stickers on your car. Don't drink under the influence. Take your time. Don't let other people influence you in what you're doing while driving, drive at your own pace. And you know, be patient with yourself and others.”