The controversy on Carver lunch

By: Mah-Bintou Traore & Hoang Ho

November 3, 2021

Ever since in person school started we wanted to gather our staffs and students thoughts on how they feel about the food being distributed at Carver High School. We noticed many students would not participate in getting school lunches and decided to find the reason behind it. 

 George Washington Carver Engineering and Science Kitchen .

Nya Dickerson , Cafeteria manager feel as though school lunch takes more preparation than it seems. At Carver High School there are many thoughts concerning the food that are served at school. On October 5th we interviewed Ms. Dickerson on what her perspective on how difficult preparing the lunch is.

" The only difference is that everything is everywhere " Dickerson said . "Taking time to catch up , like with our suppliers and our delivery people and everything ''

Many students can agree  that school lunch is not very appetizing . However Damir Evans a sophomore at carver high school feels.

'' The lunch should improve in making the lunch more appealing , and should offer more drinking options to the school menu .'' Damir Evans

However , Dickerson and the rest of the food services staff try to make the school more fitting to what the students want , However it's hard to please everyone's taste .

'' I think it'd pick up more people further into the year , but we really would like for more students to partcipate . And so we try to make it as appetizing as possible .

Damir  Evan says that the lunch is pretty good , however it feels that there should provide more beverages because the options are very limited . Not only the students believe that the school lunch should have more options available, they  think that another line should be added , because it would make the lunch line flow more quickly and efficiently. 

Nojhat says'' There should be more bread options , plus the lunch is unfair to vegan students . and should give out water bottles because that makes healthier lunch.''