U.S.  & World News

Teens in Philadelphia say they struggle to have a positive environment to feel comfortable in. With the summer coming up and young people not being in school, they need a safe place to enjoy themselves, they say which can include different recreation centers in their neighborhoods.

Adults & teenagers glorify toxicity on social media, especially when it comes to their relationships. It is seen as more common for couples to disrespect and bash each other on these platforms as a way to show that they care rather than respecting each other as individuals. Pre-teens are also on these platforms and they began to mimic these things, causing them to express them into their own relationships. 

When a toxic relationship is viewed as ¨normal¨ on social media platforms, it becomes common for pre-teens to mimic what they see. This happens often because they´re allowed access to these social media platforms that give them a negative view on things they shouldn't have experience in. 

Many teens tend to use drugs because of the heavy persuasion from social media. Since its a big part of most of their lives, they tend to see some misleading things and abuse drugs.

Are kids allowed to be kids in 2024? 

By:Maysa Loper 

April 11, 2024

Teenagers all around the city have recently said they are struggling with personal safety and the threat of constant violence after a string of violent crimes have left many feeling on edge. It’s a problem, teenagers express, that has impacted their personal relationships and mental health as the school year comes to a close. 

Discrimination towards African American women in the healthcare system

by: Nya HudginsApril 12,2024

African American women go into hospitals and worry on a daily, is their voice being heard? Are their issues taken seriously? Most women don't have a say in what their hospital visit would be like 

Teens in Philadelphia are now expected to abide by a new 10 pm curfew implemented by the city after a string of violent crimes have propelled city officials to act. 

Teenagers having jobs while still being high school students

By: Adrian Ericson

April 11 2024

Is having a job as a student teen beneficial? Well, the answer isn’t so simple. Though there are countless benefits of having a job as a teen, whether it's to fund social statuses or helping parents make ends meet. There are still very clear drawbacks of having one.

It’s been statistically proven that students with steady summer jobs have decreased the rate of underprivileged kids causing violence by 43% and rising. In addition to that it's also a great opportunity to show the youth the importance of discipline, waking up early for school and trying to fit in a job regardless if you’ve had a long day at school but still having to push through.

                            Comfort of ski masks

                                 By: Nia Pettigrew

                                              April 3rd,2024

After Young teens turned wearing Ski masks into a trend, Philadelphia banned them. This is because police say that they make their jobs harder

On April 13th, 2023, Jefferson Hospital embarked on a transformative journey in patient care, incorporating AI-driven devices to timesave treatment and enhance efficiency. This initiative aims to empower physicians with advanced technology, which allows them to assess patients remotely and issue resources more effectively, saving both time and costs.

Millions of students in Philadelphia schools struggle with not having a fully staffed Mental health crew after the pandemic. However, Carver High School of Engineering and Science has social workers, a STEP program, counselors, and a mobile therapist that allows students to have someone to talk to.

By: Maniyah JacksonApril 3, 2024

Nearly^ 100 children in Philadelphia were shot in 2023, and 1331 children have been shot since 2015. 94% of them were attending a Philadelphia School District school. With gun violence running rampant near schools, and directly impacting schools, how is one supposed to feel safe in a place of learning?

In the last 8 years, many nations have declared a loneliness epidemic with citizens feeling lonelier than ever before. A 2017 study from the Korean Society of Nursing Science found a significant correlation between attachment anxiety, loneliness, depression, and smartphone addiction. could this boon secretly be a curse?

Many students in Philadelphia aren’t attending school due to a multitude of issues stemming from absent parents to homelessness.

Almost half the students in Philadelphia are considered chronically absent meaning they miss at least 10% of the school year. One of the schools with the worst attendance issues in Philadelphia is Strawberry Mansion with only 10% of kids in Mansion’s attendance zone going to school. The school’s made for 1800 students, but with only 200 going, they don’t even use the top floor.

Cell Phone Ban in Netherlands May Lead to Global Ban

By: Seth Crawford & Rio TanNovember 21, 2023

Over several years, students have increasingly relied on their cell phones in classrooms, possibly sparking a global attempt for awareness of cell phone usage in classrooms in the future.

In the Netherlands, starting January 1, 2024, cell phones, tablets, and smartwatches will be banned from classrooms, the Dutch education administrators announced to limit distractions and interruptions in class. 

Distracted While Driving? Many Teens and Adults Face This As Well

By: Cashae Morrisey & Christen MooreNovember 21, 2023

Minors are involved in well over 300 a day in the city of philadelphia due to distractions while operating a vehicle. 

As more minors are getting behind the wheel, parents around the world share concern whether or not their child fully understands the responsibilities of controlling a vehicle. 

AI Has Taken Teachers By Storm; Here's What They Have to Say

By: Milan Taylor & Ashton HamlinNovember 21, 2023

Learning is taking the time to mentally or physically learn something new, or now it could be just using Ai to get out of doing work. Currently, Ai has evolved to allow students to avoid doing the work on their own, and just get  Ai to do it for them. Now teachers are being forced to evolve.

A Look Into Women with ADHD

By: Samira Garland & Halimah RoacheNovember 21, 2023

Across the country, women with ADHD are often overlooked when it comes to diagnosis. While research shows that ADHD is higher in men, there’s evidence that there are more women with ADHD than previously assumed. 

The number of gun deaths and gun related crimes have declined over the past year, but every day you can turn on the news and see the most recent victim of a gun related incident whether it be gang related activity, robberies, or just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. In fact, Philadelphia is ranked ninth on Drexel’s brief on Gun Deaths in Big Cities. Amidst this crisis, many organizations have come forward to provide information, aid the people most affected by tending to their mental health, and to make their complaints known.

Archived Articles

350 to 400 Philadelphia teens swarmed Center City in April 2023, causing a ruckus in the neighborhood. Due to these events, The fashion district set new restrictions; prohibiting minors from the mall without an adult. 

Chromium-6, a known carcinogenic metal, has been found in drinking water in every U.S state and there has been no effort to remove it due to loose regulations from the EPA.

In 2022 the country of Pakistan was flooded from June to October because of Heavy monsoon rains, poor urban planning, and climate change. Destroyed equivalents of Maryland and Delaware and floods have affected at least 33 million people and killed 1.2 million livestock.

Gun Violence: When Will America Give up Firearms?

By: Annalise WhitakerMarch 30th, 2023

Since the fatal shooting of Temple officer Fitzgerald, many people and parents of students have been voicing more of their concerns about their children's safety while attending school in the North Philadelphia area.

What's Your 'Me-Time'?

By; Chloe TrellopoulosMarch 30th, 2023

With many students and adults coming back to school or work in the fall of 2021 from the lockdowns, there has been a spike in mental health crises, including the deprioritization of self-care.This isn’t just happening at Carver, it’s happening to everyone around the globe due to the after effects of coming into contact with bodies they’ve lost touch with due to being isolated for a prolonged period of time.

There’s a lot of speculation on whether certain factors like dyed hair or tattoos should be considered in getting hired. Some people have these issues and many believe that it shouldn’t hinder your possibilities, as qualifications and skills should be considered up front. 

With Russia using nukes as a bulwark against the west and the UK sending uranium bullets to Ukraine, it seems nuclear power is on a lot of people's minds. With it's turbulent history, How could nuclear energy work to benifit our modern society?

By: Jordan Seaford January 25, 2023

Transportation in Philly is notoriously awful. With inefficient public transit, a severe lack of bike lanes, and pothole-riddled streets, commuting is often a chore. But now that there´s new money available for improving the city, how well will they do, and can they learn from other cities who do it better?

Gun Violence has been a significant issue more and more as time goes on , Students often use school to avoid and escape Gun violence . With the recent School shootings and tragedies that have happened we will see the different effects gun violence has on students .

How is Philadelphia helping LGBTQIA+ Youth?                               Asia Simmons                                  June 3rd, 2022

From the “Don’t Say Gay” bill in Florida to Pennsylvania’s bill banning trans women from sports, fighting for LGBTQIA+ rights has been getting harder. But Philadelphia has been changing one bill at a time, allowing queer students the help and care they deserve. 

        How does climate change effect                     Philadephia                                                                                                                     Ashanti Davis  11/10/2022                       

The Most interesting thing about climate change is how it effect us in different ways. Like diseases and getting sick. It also effects our food crops and transportation. 

Masks are no longer required in public areas including  schools, restaurants and concerts. People are relieved that the mask days are coming to an end and are excited that things are going back to normal. However, there are other people who beg to differ and believe it is entirely too soon to lose the masks. 

By: Tyra Baker April 8, 2022

On tik tok, one of the most popular social medias, two men are seen talking to each other and they get into argument. Both men pullout their guns and shoot at the each other. If men felt like they didn't have to prove themselves because of toxic masculinity, the whole situation could have been avoided. Ms. Moore, a sociology teacher at Carver High School, said that we have a very narrow definition of what masculinity is.

 The War on Philadelphia 

By:Mah-Bintou Traore , January ,21,2022

We all grew up envisioning our childhood and teenage years being fun . Hanging out with friends , playing outside . We all want a neighborhood that is safe enough so we can express ourselves .   As teens , we often want to go out and have fun , but we can’t experience that because of gun violence . Gun violence does not only affect us  from living  a normal life , it also affects us mentally.

People who find themselves residing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania often face issues with the condition of their neighborhood, the lack of necessary resources, people in social areas, etc. Although most people see these issues in news articles, the people facing these issues in their neighborhood are experiencing them firsthand and are being affected in some way.

By: Derek ThompsonJanuary 27, 2022

On November 29, 2021, a Temple University college student named Samuel Collington was shot and killed while walking home because of an attempted robbery. There were over 562 homicides in 2021. More than the number of days in a single year. It sets the record for the most homicides in the past 14 years.

By: Kenny HooJanuary 25, 2022

Since the creation of trading cards in the 19th and 20th century, card prices have constantly evolved and multiplied over time. Some cards are now worth hundreds of thousands of dollars or even millions in the modern day. There’s a lot of factors when it comes to the card prices such as the remaining amount in the world, the age of the card, the usability, or many other things like the ones we’ll be talking about.

Across philadelphia gun violence seems likes it continues to rise every single day. SInce 2015 there has been 10,000 deaths due to homicides in Philadelphia and about 80% of these deaths are black males. The black children and teen who live live in Philadelphia on make up 14% of its children and teens populations but 43% of it the deaths of them are black children and teens Most of the violence is just senseless violence and it mostly is the teenagers who are either killed or doing the killing. Tanley Crawford from an organization centered around gun violence has a lot to speak on this subject.

Recently in Pennsylvania of September, 2021, many representatives of the House are in approval of bringing a similar 6 week abortion ban, recently approved in Texas, to the state which negatively affects anyone in need of an abortion. This ultimately is the government stripping their citizens of their needed healthcare.

WIth the 2021-2022 school year starting, transportation difficulties have impacted the lives of every student and parent, especially those who rely on bus services. Getting to school has been harder than it has ever been for these individuals. In 2021 bussing students has been a challenge because of the lack of bus drivers and the lack of consistency with these busses. COVID plays a big factor with this whole situation setting back the already bus shortage pre Covid  even farther than it already was.

Temple university has been sitting in North Philly since 1884 but longtime residents are concerned with how Temple’s recent expansion is affecting the local community. 

On Friday, October 1st, 2021 the city of Philadelphia issued a ban on single-use plastic bags, effective immediately, because of the ever-increasing global warming threat. 

States, like Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, New Mexico, and Alabama, have been ranked as the lowest in protecting children from hunger and poverty during the COVID-19 Pandemic, but Philadelphia managed to open up more than 103 Food Distribution locations from different programs to protect families, children, and individuals from suffering the same problems. Places such as schools, churches, parks, and recreation centers were open for food distribution.

Uighur Muslims, “one of China’s 55 ethnic minorities,”have been held in concentration camps since 2015 because China claims that they are a terroristic threat to the country.These concentration camps have been going on too long for some people not to know and this situation is only being taught and told to some people. Even many in the Muslim community don’t know the full extent of the situation.

On February 15th, the state of Texas was plunged into a blackout unlike any other in recent American history. Alongside the blackout, there were widespread disruptions of the water service, and became very scarce as well. At the peak of the crisis over 5 million residents were left without power, 15 million without water, and many food suppliers were left without basic items such as bread, milk, and eggs. The effects of the crisis are still felt to this day. This catastrophic failure of the power grid was caused by a gross lack of preparation on the behalf of the power providers which raises the question: “Are other cities at risk of facing the same scenario?” 

The city in question? Philadelphia.

March 13,2020...a day we all remember. After COVID-19 swept the nation, Philadelphia schools and schools across the country switched to virtual learning. Ever since students and teachers' lives changed indefinitely.  The evolution of virtual learning over the past year has greatly affected school systems and lives everywhere.

The School District of Philadelphia aims to return to send students back to school safely by the end of November. They will start with Pre-K and Kindergarten because they believe that these grades will benefit most from returning to school in person. But is it really safe? Should families risk their kids' health by sending them back to school?

By: Kieran McIntire, June 2020

Since George Floyd's death, multiple protests have begun across the United States of America as people stand up and fight for the justice of the many innocent black lives lost at the hands of the police. In Philadelphia this movement started on Saturday the 30th in the morning, where protesters gathered at City Hall and began to kneel in silence for 9 minutes to show how long officer Chauvin kneeled on George Floyd’s neck. 

On April 15th, 2020 Philadelphia School District Superintendent Dr. William Hite announced all June graduations are canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic. It’s been about a month since the district was shut down, going from closed for 2 weeks, closed for two more weeks, closed indefinitely, to finally being closed for the rest of the school year. No matter what was happening around them, the Class of 2020 at Carver Engineering and Science still grasped at even the smallest chance that their graduation was still a go.

To some, September 29, of 2020 was just another day in the week. But in reality, it was history in the making as Lisa Forrest became the first African American ,woman to become battalion chief of the Philadelphia Fire Department. Through her hard work, dedication, and perseverance, she has done something in Philadelphia that no one has been able to do. And it’s not surprising to her or her family. She has been known for her strength for as long as they can remember. 

Temple University students and researchers have been studying a way to cure the deadly disease known as HIV. HIV, which can turn into AIDS, is highly dangerous. There is no official vaccine to prevent people from spreading catching it, but students at this university claim to be getting closer and closer everyday to a cure. 

On September 27th, 2021, grammy award-winning artist, Robert Kelly A.K.A R’kelly was found guilty of sexual exploitation of a child, bribery, racketeering, and sex trafficking. It all started in 2002 when Robert was indicted on 21 counts of child pornography but was acquitted in 2008. 11 years later he was accused of rape and sex trafficking. “This is not me. I’m fighting for my f---ing life.” Rkelly said during an interview back in 2019. 

The Controversy between Pro-VAX and Anti-VAX

Siani MobleyMay 10, 2022

Worldwide, there has been uncertainty regarding covid-vaccines as some stand against it, while others are in full support of it. Due to many different media outlets spreading new ideas about COVID everyday, it has caused confusion, biased opinions, and a lack of trust among the general population.

Paris Dais-CoaxumNovember 15,2022

Fatal crashes of teen drivers between the ages 16-17 have increased 19% since 2011. Being inexperienced and distracted are some of the many causes of teenage fatal crashes

As racism towards Asians grows worse, Carver weighs in

By: Jennifer Kaing November 2, 2022

On November 17, 2021, 4 teenage girls were attending the North Bound Philadelphia train. While being on the train each of them got attacked while being called many different racial slurs, but thankfully 3 teenage boys stepped in to break them up from the attack. There have been many protests in Philly even at schools to stop these terrible Asian hate crimes but ever since Covid, racism has been getting worse and worse. Each of these crimes have affected Asians in many different ways. They feel as though they can’t do simple things without having the fear of getting attacked or harassed.