A Middle-School Teacher in Philadelphia Encourage Students to Use Phones

By: Nafisa Khan

Our phones complete our lives. We cannot live without our phones. We need it to survive. Well, maybe not literally.

Mr. Howard at Baldi Middle School in Philadelphia encourages his students to use their phones during class. But, what if they do not have a phone? Then, he wants the kids to find a way to bring a smartphone to school. Last week, he said “there is NEVER an inappropriate time to use your cell phone.”

He told his students to use it on their way to and from school. Like, when they are walking to the bus stop and walking to school. They should walk extra slow and be sure to take their time, even if they may be late. He wants them to like and comment on every Instagram post they want, watch every meme they want, read every tweet they want, and reply to every text they want. The people behind them would not mind at all. Instead, they would be happy to see children be on their phones.

Mr. Howard told his middle-schoolers to use their phone in class such as advisory, english, history, math, science, and spanish. He told them to watch Netflix and YouTube, listen to music, and look up pictures of anything they want. He told the students that other teachers would not mind them not following rules (being off-topic and disrespectful). Their peers do not need to learn the useless information that the teacher is trying to teach. He tried convincing the students that the stuff they enjoy is far more important than education; cell phones are helping the education system.

Forget about your surroundings, responsibilities, family and friends. Remember what Mr. Howard said “there is NEVER an inappropriate time to use your cell phone.”

Cell Phone Usage In Class: Should students be allowed?