Are after school detentions valid?

                                                                   By: Jessiyah Taylor 


After school detentions are common in almost every school. There are many different ways you can earn one at E&S. If you are out of class without a pass, in unauthorized places like the lunchroom or gym, on your electronic device at unauthorized times and the most common, out of uniform. In the carver student handbook it states ¨Detentions are for school-wide infractions in public spaces, such as hallways, stairwells, and common areas.¨  

If you earn a detention, you'll receive an email to let you know when your detention is .They are held Tuesdays,Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3-4pm. You are allowed to come in, sit quietly with no device and work on missed school work. 

Some teachers feel like it's a good restorative practice to get students back on the path of following directions.  Restorative practices ¨focus on repairing harm through inclusive processes that bring together students and educators The system seems to work well as the teachers don't see the same faces a lot .

¨Detention is usually a restorative practice that is done before any more serious disciplinary steps are taken,¨ said Mr.Rivera , carvers dean and Spanish teacher. 

Mr. Winkur said,  ¨There are a few frequent visitors. But mostly they're different.¨

There may be a few students who disregard their detention and There are rules in place to make sure no student tries to get away with not going to detention. The carver handbook says¨If a student exceeds three (3) detentions in a single week, s/he will earn a disciplinary strike or demerit.¨

Students suggested there may be a better alternative for no electronic device as many teachers assign most of their classwork on computers .

12th grader Dre´mere  stated ¨I got some homework to do my Chromebook but I can't have my chromebook out.¨” 

12th grader Paris ¨They could do the Go Guardian thing."

GoGuardian is a system that carver uses that allows teachers to monitor students computer screens from their screen to ensure they are on track. Teachers also have the ability to block sites that are distracting students.

It is worth the hour of your day sitting bored in a classroom with nothing to do but homework rather than getting a demerit or having any further disciplinary actions happening . 

¨I mean who likes detention but it's not a problem. Plus I don't want to risk getting a demerit.”said Paris.