The effects of the new greenhouse at Carver high school 

By: Mansoor Ali & Jovan Jenkins

May 24,2024

Carver Engineering and science known for their wonderful education and community, stepped up with help from Temple University to renovate the greenhouse that stands outside of Carver. This renovation will help the Carver community grow together and be able to have an escape from all the stress that high school comes with.

The new greenhouse 

The Carver community had lots of help from Temple University to renovate the greenhouse and this will help the community with all the stress that students deal with Keystones and Ap testing is coming and the amount of stress that puts on a students mind. This was Nallie's opinion in the topic of renovation of the greenhouse and the stress relaf it has on students here at Carver.

"Carver greenhouse could be little place for students to go to be around the flowers to ya know be at peace."

As Carver students have fun and learn about the greenhouse and the responsibility of taking care of growing flowers and fruits they also learn more about responsibility, given to us by a student at Carver Kai Wright.

Small plants inside up so they can grow and also encourages the students that I have in the green room , in the garden club, and they pretty much can see how the atmosphere inside the greenhouse how it will allow the plants to grow”

The Carver community had lots of help from Temple University to renovate the greenhouse and this will help the community with all the stress that students deal with Keystones and Ap testing is coming and the amount of stress that puts on a students mind. This was Nallie's opinion in the topic of renovation of the greenhouse and the stress relaf it has on students here at Carver.

"Carver greenhouse could be little place for students to go to be around the flowers to ya know be at peace"

The renovation on the greenhouse has given the carver community a chance to bloom and be able to learn how to plant their own foods and how to garden in general, which was taught by one of our gardening staff Ms.Jordan.

 “Students learn how to grow food from a seed all the way up to where it gets to its full growth and then we can grab the food, eat it or give it away or whatever, but it's an educational part.That is vital for anybody. To know how to grow food. And then the greenhouse. It helps because it's like a nursery. You know, and it keeps the babies I call them babies, the seeds the babies start to grow and then we can take them out and put them in the garden.”

During greenhouse production people will say that it is a safe space and a relaxing area for people and insects said by a student at Carver Nallie Lopez.

“The most common thing is calm, it's a calm and different world. It's like going into a different t frequency where you can just block everything out around you and get the system plants and bugs. You'll see a whole different world and give you a more peaceful view.”