AI tools are revolutionary, you should start using them.

Griffin Dhondt

Input:”Write the opening paragraph of an article about ChatGPT and how you can use it”

Output: “ChatGPT is a powerful language generation model developed by OpenAI. It is based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture and is fine-tuned on conversational data. The model is capable of generating human-like text, making it useful for a wide range of natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as chatbot development, language translation, and text summarization. In this article, we will explore how you can use ChatGPT and the benefits it can bring to your NLP projects.”

That lead was generated by an AI Model called ChatGPT. It generated the first paragraph in seconds.

“We've trained a model called ChatGPT that interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for Chatgpt to answer followup questions, admit it’s mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests” This free AI can help you in tons of ways, and you can save a lot of time by using it.

Input: “what are some of the best ways to use ChatGPT?”

Output (after revision, the first version explained each use):

"1. Language modeling

2. Text generation

3. Text completion

4. Text classification

5. Question answering

6. Dialogue generation

7. Language Translation"

It can Be extremely helpful with coding and debugging code. I’ve also found that a lot of questions you would usually google are better answered by Chatgpt, it can give surprisingly accurate and helpful answers, you can even get a chrome extension which will display chatgpt’s answer on the right side every time you search. It's also incredibly helpful for generating code, debugging code, and along with giving lines of code it will explain what it’s doing. It may also change the way we search for information, and bing is looking into integrating ChatGPT into its search engine.

”May occasionally generate incorrect information, May occasionally generate harmful instructions or biased content, Limited knowledge of world and events after 2021” The website lists these 3 as the main limitations behind ChatGPT. It’s not perfect, but as one of the first released versions of this type of software it’s extremely impressive. If you’re unhappy with the result you can just ask the bot to fix it (see this image where I requested a revision.) What happens if AI gets better than humans at writing?

Input: “is what you write just a copy of online articles.”

Output(after revision, first version was long):

”I am an Al language model and my responses come from patterns in the data I was trained on. I assure you that the information provided is accurate and relevant. Additionally, I do not have the capability to copy articles.”

it’s important to understand that it’s not a copy, it’s newly generated based on everything the model has learned. There are arguments about the copyright and ownership of what it produces, and it’s not clear who will eventually get copyright for the created text. This is an example of where the ai says something wrong, as said in the limitations section it can occasionally generate incorrect information. For now it’s best to fact check ChatGPT, it’s trained on tons of information and articles related to different subjects, but it can’t search the web, fact check it’s information, or get up to date information, so occasionally it will be wrong, however i expect this to be fixed soon. In most case you’ll also be better off editing the output to improve it, but it’s a great start and can be extremely helpful.

“Restricted - This website has been blocked by your administrator.” that’s what the website says if you try to visit it on a school chromebook, only a few weeks after it was released it was blocked. There are arguments for and against this, and it’s a similar case to calculators.

“Arguably one of the most controversial pieces of education technology to enter the classroom has been the calculator.” The argument for using ChatGPT in classrooms is that it’s a tool which will help students complete work faster, easier, and do a better job. But school isn’t intended to help students in realistic situations or help them improve their work through tools. Teachers find it more valuable to teach the students how to do everything manually, and gain a stronger understanding of the basics and how to write without tools. School is built to teach knowledge without any consideration of the practical use of the knowledge, which is why this tool feels harmful to teachers. There are also certainly cases where students would avoid learning and generate writing assignments instead, but is this really harmful, the students were smart enough to create an original piece of writing in a fraction of the time and learned new technology which will help them a ton. You can draw parallels between this and a calculator. Should math teachers really be teaching us how to do these calculations or would we be better off being taught how to use calculators? If students are struggling to phrase or rephrase a sentence they can put that into ChatGPT and ask for help. If a student is struggling to come up with ideas about what to write you can ask ChatGPT for some ideas. If you feel a paragraph is too wordy and needs to be more concise just ask ChatGPT to rewrite it. Almost anything that you would usually ask another person for help with can be done in seconds with this tool.

“ChatGPT is at capacity right now” ChatGPT hit 1 million users in under a week, and now most times you use the website it doesn’t work. It’s not clear how many users they have right now, but it seems they are unable to handle the number of people interested in the service.

“Answers from the AI-powered chatbot are often more useful than those from the world’s biggest search engine.” said parmy olsen, writing for bloomberg