Netflix having a loss of subscribers ?

Netflix is canceling shows as they are at a new time high for subscriber loss.

By: Mekhi Connor

May 30, 2022

Many Netflix subscribers are leaving Netflix as they are starting to up their prices due to them losing subscribers because of password sharing. As they are upping their prices they are also removing some of their more popular Netflix shows and many people are leaving Netflix because of this. How are subscribers feeling as their favorite shows are leaving and prices rising ? 

Even before Netflix was losing subscribers at such a huge rate that many fans of  tv shows on Netflix were sad as they saw many of their favorite Netflix shows leave the streaming service for no apparent reason at times. Carver E&S teacher, Alexandra Safonov had two shows of her favorite show on the app canceled and had this to say.

“ My favorite show Parks and Recreation has been removed from Netflix, it's pretty tragic. Also another one of my favorite shows is love island and that has been removed from Netflix” Safonov said. 

For some people only a few of their favorite shows have been either canceled or removed but for other people like senior Kwadire Monroe who use an account that his parents pay for, many of his favorite shows have taken off while Netflix continues to raise their prices.

“ yeah, um I can't remember the name of that one show but it had Jaden Smith on it and it was like it took place in the 70s and all that. And also I watched a lot of old shows that been canceled on Netflix” Kwadire said.

Many subscribers provided solutions that they thought that Netflix could add to its app or change about it in order to get some of its older subscribers back. Maria Hussain, a senior at Carver, provided the idea of adding more diverse shows to its app for people. 

”I think that they should consider adding more I think that I think that they should consider adding more shows for like what's over like a demographic like better show for the demographic and like more like variety of shows” Maria said “they were taking off animes and if they put more animes on or stuff like that, or like more different types of shows they might get like more of their viewers back”

Some people think that the streaming service should even go back to its old ways. Kwadire thinks that the best option for the app would be going back to old times.

“Bring it back to the old times, that 8.99$ ” Kwadire said. “ That’s how they’re gonna get these subscribers back ! “.

In the mist of Russia going to war with Ukraine and the news providing that for a reason that Netflix is losing subscribers. Senior Nasir Negron thinks the same as Netflix for the reason of their loss of subscribers “password sharing”. 

"Well, the news said what’s going on in Russia.I think it's because of a price increase and because of the sharing passwords situation" Nasir said.

While Netflix might think that password sharing is the reason for their loss of subscribers, many people benefit from sharing passwords with each other because of the intense price that Netflix charges. Teacher,  Ms. Safonov feels very passionate about the idea of password sharing and thinks it is a great idea.

“It's great because I benefit from it. I think it's nice when you kind of split the cost with people. So definitely a huge factor for me is money. I try to budget my money. I am still very young and I don't have a lot of money”. Safonov said. “And so if I can have Netflix without the Netflix price, it's great. Um, I honestly don't see why people get so butthurt when you use their passwords”.

Netflix is thinking about adding a cheaper option to their app that includes ads, similar to the streaming service hulu and Maria Hussian felt  that the app is no longer fair compared to its previous glory. 

“Um No because I feel like if I'm paying money for at least when Netflix first started  it just seemed like perfect but to think about it now that you have to pay more for Netflix.” Like to get a cheaper version of Netflix you have to deal with ads or get less HD. I feel like it's just like not fair” Maria said.