Your missing student ID could be costing you money!

By: Nazifa Khan and Charles Thomas

Picture of the ScholarChip ID scanner students scan into every morning

Students at Carver are being fined for losing and forgetting their IDs, but what's the true cost of that simple fine?

Students have not been fined for anything personally other than missing books and sports jerseys that weren't returned in past three years. So it surprised many seniors when they received a bill for how many days they forgot their ID.

“I know this year, the district required that all students must have an ID because they're using it now for scanning. I know they're expensive, too,” says Ms. Swift. “So most likely they're probably paying for the reprint. Because we have to pay for the card, the chip, and all that stuff. So most likely it goes into the cost of that of how much it cost per student to pay for to build into a new one.” 

Although IDs may not seem as serious, they are very important to keep the people at Carver safe. After COVID, there have been many incidents where people have tried sneaking into the building without their ID. Ms. Pat has started charging the seniors this year because of the dangerous situations that have been happening around the community. The ID is used for safety so if you don’t have your ID, how will the staff know you belong here?

“We were supposed to be charging you a long time ago, when it first started ScholarChip has been with us maybe since 2003, and that's when they came. We just haven't been charging for it. But because of COVID all the craziness happening and all the crime and people trying to sneak in the building, you need your ID,” says Ms. Pat, who handles attendance.

Now, these student fines exist so people realize the importance of bringing your ID to school every day. The supplier of the materials for IDs is ScholarChip, but the equipment costs money. Each day you forget your ID, you will receive a temporary ID which is not free. The fines will go towards ScholarChip so the school can continue running and providing the students with their IDs.

“Student fines are in place to for two reasons, one to try to encourage students to make sure that they bring their IDs every day. And the second one is that the materials for the ScholarChip have to be replaced and if we have to use them as the temporary ID,” says assistant principal Elizabeth Curry.

Screenshot of a student's Infinite Campus. Students can check if they are marked tardy or absent because ScholarChip marks it automatically.

There are other problems with finding students for IDs. There are some kids who cannot afford to pay these additional fines. Ms. Curry thinks that communicating with a teacher about this issue should be the solution to a problem like this.

“I think that's the easiest way to solve those issues is let's have a private conversation," said Ms. Curry. "No public shaming, and let's put that out on the table. And I think that we can definitely work with students with that.”

At Carver, the seniors have been charged starting this year. Previously, everybody should have been charged, they gave the fines this year to emphasize how important it is. According to Ms. Pat, Carver has been using ScholarChip since 2003 and has paid for the students' IDs.

“So we either say we just do this your senior year and because you're a senior you should at this point like be more responsible,” says Ms. Curry. “Be ready to keep a hold of important documents because that is a lifelong lesson and have a clear message at the beginning of next year about IDs and their importance.” 

Picture of the back of a student's ID card

Although this has been implemented in the distant past, the seniors of today at carver were unknowing of this fine. Even still some students who may not be able to pay will receive what they think is a random fine. In addition, the Carver Student Handbook does not say anything about paying a dollar each time you type in your number instead of scanning your ID.

In the Carver Student Handbook, it says, “The ID card is required to enter and leave the building and to receive a School District transpass. Students who forget their ID card on any given day must sign in at the entry point.”

It is well understood among the students that not having your ID with you is a security issue. Although these same students are coming from homes that may not be able to pay the fine and with the past of students being charged means the school can easily waive it with their funding. 

“It's being responsible enough to have your ID but also being able to be identified as a Carver student here.“