Trump Ignites World World III?

January 3rd, 2020

Donald Trump considering his next move

Kim presenting the plan to Congress

In recent news, North Korea has claimed that it will provide a “Christmas Gift” to President Trump. Many speculate that the gift may be nuclear in nature. However, recently a private conversation between Trump and Kim Jong-Un has been discovered by our media outlet. The subject of this Conversation was very shocking,

Before the vote on Trump’s impeachment, he and Kim Jong were discussing the possibilities of such an outcome, and how they should respond. Kim asked Trump “ And what will you do if it goes through?”. Trump responded with: “Then we shall rain down fire and death of which the world has never seen”.

This leads speculators to make connections between this statement, and Kim's Christmas statement. A plan the US government devised describes in detail a plan that could cause a potential World War 3. It states first, North Korea could launch a non deadly nuclear attack towards the US. The US in response, would also launch its nukes towards any country it deemed a threat, excluding North Korea. This would distract from the impeachment, and force Americans to side with their president, as in a time of war it isn’t wise to fight among ourselves.

Now that Trump's impeachment has gone through, we can only assume the worst is soon to come. The only thing left for us to do is prepare for nuclear war. If you have a fully functional anti nuke war bunker, as most people do, now is the time to hide yourself and your family.

By: Jordan Wilson