Segregation: Still a Thing in Schools

By Xavier Lemar-Thompson

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the many activists who fought for equal rights and no segregation in schools. School segregation ended in 1954, so its been 66 years since that law has been passed. In more recent years its been shown that schools that were even in race have declined and became more segregated once again

  • Schools that were once all white and then integrated with other races have decreased in those other races by 2% since 2015

  • Schools that once had all black students and then integrated with other races have also decreased in those other races but by 4% since 2015

These statistics show that over time different races wanted to go back to what they were normally use to and the people they were so use to being around, these aren't bad things, but so many people have fought and died for the rights of people of color, just for us to segregate ourselves again.