Students can now easily get STD testing once again at E&S Carver High.

High school students had the opportunity to receive STD testing once again on March 24, 2024, after a pause due to COVID-19 precautions, providing students with important resources for their health and well-being.

"I think it's really important for students to have access to this information and testing," said Tyheria Brighbell, a student at Carver High School. "It's something that affects many people and we should be talking about it more."

According to CDC.Gov since 2018-2022 the have been over 1.6 million cases of chlamydia from ages ranging mostly from 15-24.

Students feel as though 45 minutes per year is not enough surrounding the conversation on STD safety prevention. Billy Yoy, a student at Carver High School said, "I don't think we learn enough about STDs in school. We should have more education on it so we can be more aware of what's going on."

"If we don't take action now, we'll be facing an even bigger crisis in the future," says Mr.Mandell, a teacher who has seen with his own eyes what STDs can do to someone.

The number of teenagers and young adults getting STDs is only increasing as a student named Billy Yoy talks about the lack of education on STDs.

"We should have more awareness about STDs in general," said Yoy. "It's something that affects many people and we should be talking about it more."

The resumption of STD testing at Carver High School is an important step in addressing the growing epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers. By providing students with access to testing and education, we can help prevent the spread of these diseases and promote healthier lifestyles.

 "The key is to normalize this conversation and make it a part of our daily discussions, not just something we do once a year," says Mr.Mandell.