Carver Corona Blog: Week Two

April 6, 2020

Week Two Reflection Question:

  • What does a normal day look like for you right now?

Hi Carver Family!

So excited about the Carver Blog and wanted to share a quick update from the Domers house to let you know how we are spending our time.

My daughter, Hannah, is in first grade, and she has had a lot of work to do from her school! I created a small office for myself, and I added a table next to me for her.

My son, Isaac, is in Pre-K. He has a little bit of work to do at home. I learned that I am not a good Pre-K teacher, and my wife does a much better job with him. We did recently get a small basketball hoop for him, and he has been outside as much as possible shooting hoops.

Lastly, I have been spending a lot time taking walks with my dog, Ruthie. She is a one-year Boxer. She loves having us home all the time!

I miss seeing everyone at school every day. I hope we are able to connect before the school year closes.

Please keep in touch with each other, your teachers, and me.


A normal day at home is me and my brothers waking up at 9am and doing any lesson or class work till 12pm. I’m usually distracted by my little brother since I can hear all the kids in his class. From 12pm to usually 3pm my sister usually asks to go out for a little bit but my parents are a little paranoid of possibly getting infected, so the house is usually loud but I’m used to it. For the rest of my time till regularly 1am I play cards and games I try to fit a self care workout but I forget so easily.

-Abubakar, 9th Grade

Something that happens almost every day is me going on my computer to check and complete assignments, mom cooking, and dad sleeping. Of course, whenever I find a break time I would play games or watch anime. But there are days where we watch movies, or when I decide to spend my free time playing guitar, or when my parents go shopping.

Peace out. Enjoy break. And stay healthy!

-Jason Harianto, 9th Grade

A normal day for me in my house would be me waking up around 10 o’clock am, laying in bed on my phone for maybe a half an hour to an hour, going down stairs to find something to eat, probably yelling at my dog to get out my way once I'm in the kitchen, taking a shower after I eat, and just staying in my room for the rest of the day, watching tv, playing some music, coming out when I'm hungry. Sometimes I stop being lazy and I go work out in the basement, run on the treadmill, lift some weights, and do sit ups.

-Sierra, 10th Grade

Every other day I practice drums to make sure that my memory is fresh since my lessons have been canceled. On some days I might bake something new. So far I have made cookies and me and my mom have not only made my grandma’s recipe for carrot cake, but also my grandma’s apple betty. During this break, every moment is filled with something, my main goal is to stay focused on myself and my wellbeing as well as getting done with my everyday jobs. I think one tip I have is that yes, keeping up with the news, and exercising, and spending 5 hours on homework every day might seem important, and it is to some extent, but sometimes it’s just nice to sit back and relax for a little bit. Try something new, make up a dance, bake something, draw something, or just spend some time with your family or friends over FaceTime. The most important thing is that you are staying safe and keeping your and your family’s well being at the top of your priorities, that means stay inside, social distance, and most importantly WASH YOUR HANDS!!!

-Kieran, 9th Grade

Moses, 9th Grade

Ms. Hogan and Fletch

First I wake up, check on my work, make my family some breakfast, and its smooth sailing from there. I know that practicing social distancing is good and all, but I'm actually starting to really miss my friends and teachers. It just isn't the same without them.For me a normal day is staying up SUPER late, listening to my favorite tunes, and other than that doing literally nothing. I binge-watched Sonic X for 17 hours straight, all 78 episodes. I've also been playing this very cool game called Dauntless, its a free monster hunting game you can play with your friends. I'm always getting smothered by my cats whenever I walk downstairs. Sometimes my house can be quiet or crazy depending on what happens (like when new episodes of The Good Doctor come on). First I wake up, check on my work, make my family some breakfast, and its smooth sailing from there. I know that practicing social distancing is good and all, but I'm actually starting to really miss my friends and teachers. It just isn't the same without them.

-Eddie, 9th Grade

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