Instagram and Facebook Shut Down?

Mark Zuckerbug has decided to close down Facebook, as well as the other social media networks associated with it. Zuckerburg states that “the decision wasn’t completely up to {him}, the secret coder, Shawn Doogans who designed and updates the Facebook and Instagram apps, is now demanding 15 million dollars” which is 15 million dollars that Zuckerburg is not willing to give up. Zuckerburg decided that the best way to handle the situation is to just close the apps for a while so he and the Facebook team can regroup and get everything back in place. It’s possible he may reopen the apps in 2040, but definitely not sooner. Defending himself, Doogans states that he “told Zuck at the beginning of the arrangement that if the app was doing well {he} would need 15 mil to ‘secure the bag’ for his family.” So when Zuckerburg told him no, Doogans told him that he wouldn’t do anything more on the app until he received his payment. Zuckerburg is closing the apps to take time to either make another arrangement with Doogans or find someone else who can manage the app for a more reasonable price.