Innovative teaching methods foster emotional wellness in High school.

Iyana ByrdMay 24th, 2024

High schools in Philadelphia are continuing traditional teaching methods to address the impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on students' mental health. With a focus on emotional wellness, educators at Carver High School are developing innovative teaching techniques, aimed at supporting students through uncommon behavioral health challenges.

Carver High School students during their Calculus class. Students enjoyed their time in class due to being able to connect with their teacher and understand the work.

In exploring the innovative teaching methods at Carver High School, it’s evident that educators are not only adapting to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic but also prioritizing students' emotional wellness.

One teacher, in particular, shares insights into effective teaching techniques and their impact on student engagement.

“Students have expressed that it is helpful for me to explain and model new topics and then provide the space for students to try on their own… It’s my hope that providing guided note sheets alleviates the pressure of copying down everything I say and do and spend more time trying to focus on how I’m doing a problem.” said Ms. Safonov

Engaging students in calculus, a higher-level math course, present challenges in making the subject matter relatable to their lives and emotional wellness.

“This can be really challenging, specifically in a higher level math course.” said Ms. Safonov. “In English or history classes, I imagine it’s easier to find ways to relate material to students and make it personal.”

To make calculus interesting and relatable, the teacher emphasizes the importance of sharing personal enthusiasm for the subject and the problem solving process.

“For me personally, I have found that one effective way to make the material interesting is by sharing my personal interest in the subject.” Ms. Safonov said. “I love calculus, it’s the math that made me want to be a teacher."

A Calculus student that attends Carver High School. This grade is of the student that once was bad at math, but thanksto Ms. Safonov she is now doing really well. 

Despite being the sole calculus teacher at Carver, the teacher seeks inspiration and guidance from online communities of educators.

“There are a ton of Calculus teachers online that share their lessons, worksheets, activities, techniques, etc. and I have often used this as inspiration for building an effective lesson.” said Ms. Safonov.

Through a combination of innovative teaching methods, personal passion, and a commitment to continuous improvement, educators at Carver High School are beginning approaches to support students’ emotional wellness while ensuring academic success.