Comfort of ski mask

By: Nia Pettigrew

April 3, 2024

After Young teens turned wearing Ski masks into a trend, Philadelphia banned them. This is because police say that they make their jobs harder.

This student Sahin Rodriguez, attends Caver Engineering and Science, and says he wears a ski masks when it´s cold outside and he has to walk to and from school.

Mainly young people are getting in trouble while wearing the ski mask. Whether it started out with petty crime, major fights, or worse they found that people were using the ski mask to cover their faces and to not get caught

¨I´ve been a police officer for almost 19 years for the Philadelphia police department and the crime has definitely changed.¨ said Officer Robin

If people are to walk into a store or on a playground they will be asked to have it taken off.

¨ Well considering the area that I work in, I had to enforce it almost everyday because I work in an area where there's a lot of business and a lot of stores.

Helping make the community a better and safer place has been a big goal for Tustin's Recreation Center staff, Myisha Poles. 

¨We had a couple of police officers and community like councilmen and women come in and meet with the community to let people know about the ban and how they're going to make this change as comfortable and easy as they can.¨ Poles said.

A lot of kids like coming down to the playground to play on the basketball court but so the kids and families that come down, to make sure they feel safe this ban has been a blessing for a lot of families in west Philadelphia.

¨Also, being a parent of children that go down to the play, having this ban has made me more comfortable with letting them go play at the playground.¨ Poles said

Some people always like to  wear ski masks on the septa bus because traveling in the cold isn't the easiest thing to do but not all people use ski masks for weather reasons. Which is also why they banned it from buses as well

¨If someone enters my bus with a ski mask I ask them nicely to take it off and if they decide not to do that I let them know they are not allowed on my bus.¨ said Kelli Brown, a SEPTA driver.

 A lot of passengers that ride the bus are pretty happy with this ban, there have been events that happen with people getting their things taken and not knowing who took it because of the ski mask.

¨ This ban has made me more comfortable doing my job and not having to worry about who gets on my bus and knows who is getting on. “said Brown

This ban has made a lot of people feel comfortable.

¨Ḧope that this banned is a step to making the world safer.¨ said Kelil