Fake Jewelry can cause not Graduating?

Yes fake jewelry can cause students not to graduate when seen on you. It's worse if the people from the college see your skin changing colors. If you see your finger is turning a different color you can’t even go to the nurse because they will snitch on you to the dean. The University of IVT had the biggest problem with this. They caught student with this unknown jewelry and demanded they go to the office an get it checked if it was real, They also told the students if they don’t show up or that they take the jewelry that they will be fined $100,000. When the students are caught they are told they have to make up the real cost of the ring or they can’t graduate. 48% of the University was held back or even kicked out for just some piece of jewelry.

The college also take the fake jewelry and take it to a lab and melt it to make new lunch trays for the school and new chairs. So they must have collects a lot of jewelry to do all of that. The University also spreads rumors about how kids that attend the college can’t afford to pay their dues but have money to pay for fake jewelry. I wanted to find some some more background information so I looked up their mission for students and how they was welcomed in “The kids that we brung we had to make sure to check them unknown items before they came inside the school.” By this I thought they were talking weapons, but no they was talking about fake jewelry. To this day the college and still running and now they only accept rich people.