Carver Corona Blog

May 25, 2020
What are your favorite memories from this school year?

May 11, 2020
Do you have family member, friend, or neighbor who is still working because they’re considered essential? Give them a shout-out and thanking them for serving others during this time!

April 27, 2020
What's something that's been keeping you sane during this quarantine?

April 20, 2020
During this quarantine...What have you learned about yourself?What have you learned about the world?

April 13, 2020
Since last week was Spring Break, we paused student responses. Instead, we'd like to highlight the Class of 2020 Virtual Spirit Week. Check out how this year's Seniors are making the best out of these crazy last weeks of their High School career.

April 6, 2020
What does a normal day look like for you right now?

March 30, 2020
How are you keeping yourself busy/spending your time?
What are your goals for this time away from school?
What are you worried or nervous about?
What are you enjoying about this week?