Vaccines Finally Available for HS Students, But How Are They Feeling?

As the school year comes to an end, COVID vaccinations for teenagers age 12-15 are just ramping up. Many students across the School District of Philadelphia are lining up to get their vaccines, but some are still wary. Our news team weighed in. 

We're ready to get vaccinated!

I already got the vaccine so these feelings aren’t really present anymore but I was apprehensive at first since I didn’t like shots as a whole, but I had to get this one since I was travelling. After the first dose it just stopped worrying me though, the vaccine barely stung and besides the few days afterwards when you feel off, the entire process is seamless and well organized, and the staff working there made everything feel safe and easy. The most impressive thing for me when I first got it was the speed, normally with doctors you’re sitting down for a while just waiting for your name to be called, but for the vaccine it was just a quick get in and get out operation, with the longest wait being the time after getting the vaccine where you sit down for a bit just so they can make sure there are no adverse reactions.

-Omar Elamin

I am all for getting the vaccine, I actually got my first shot at the beginning of this month and I get my second, on the 29th.I was never really worried about getting it, and I mainly got it for y family because of my grandparents and because my aunt is a doctor who is constantly around COVID patients. Getting the vaccine felt like the right choice because although I’m obviously not immune to catching it, I know it be won’t be as severe.I think it’s pretty important for others to get their vaccine for safety of themselves and the safety of others.I don’t know if the school district should mandate vaccines for students, but teachers definitely should get a vaccine, to make others feel safe in a school environment.

-Brandon Henderson 

 To start off, I am already fully vaccinated. Being vaccinated wasn’t an option for me, my parents told me that I had to be vaccinated and the reason for that was because I have very bad asthma. If I get infected by COVID-19 I know that I would probably go through a lot because of my asthma, so I know that when my parents decided that it would be best for me to get the vaccine is because they were looking out for me. I know that the vaccine will help COVID-19 go away even though it is a slow process, but at least there is a possible solution to a problem that has affected us over the past year. We have been obeying the CDC guidelines about masks and social distancing when the pandemic first happened, but now that they're saying that the vaccines are safe, many people don't want to believe them. If the masks and social distancing helped keep many of us safe, then we should trust in the CDC guidelines when they say that the vaccines are safe as well. Even though I believe that the vaccines are safe, I think that the School District shouldn’t mandate vaccines for students and teachers just yet because I feel like people should feel secure enough to get the vaccine and I know that not everyone is comfortable with getting it so it shouldn’t be mandatory to do something not everyone feels safe doing. As time goes on, people will realize that the vaccine is actually safe and they will start to feel more comfortable about getting it.

-Yaelies Terron

Personally I feel like the vaccine is fine. All my friends got it and they are fine. I am planning on getting it soon. I was skeptical about how soon it was released but once I did my research I felt much better. I don’t think that the school district should mandate the vaccine because some people can’t get the vaccine for medical reasons. I do believe that if you can get the vaccine, get it. 

-Ayanna Leggett

I feel like the vaccine is okay, I just am hesitant with the second one. When my mother took it she got very sick but overcame it. I would take it so that I can be safe and keep others around me safe as well. Right now this is all we really have and im willing to give it a shot if it means the start of overcoming this dangerous virus. 


We're not too sure about this vaccine!

I’m still on edge about getting a vaccine because it’s a little early for it to be a vaccine already and we’re not even two years into the virus. But at the same time I may trust it because a lot of people I know are either scheduled to get a vaccine or already have gotten the vaccine. I remember talking to my dad one day and telling him I don’t trust the vaccine because of the side effects people claimed to get from it. In which he told me all medicines and vaccines have side effects. I think schools should mandate teachers and students to get the vaccine just to be on the safe side. That is, if the government decides it would be ok for students to go back into the building. I think the only way the School District could mandate the vaccine to students and teachers would be if an individual decides to go back into the buildings.

-Journey Barksdale

At first, I was really nervous about the vaccine. When the first version of it came out there was a lot of controversy around it, but after witnessing some peers take the vaccine I learned that there are up to 3 different types and there’s only one to be worried about (J&J). One of my dear friends actually has a stroke due to the J&J vaccine, luckily he’s fine and walking today. So I’m avoiding that one getting my vaccine some time soon. That being said I definitely think Philadelphia should mandate vaccines to students and teachers before we return to school, because one of the ways to beat this pandemic is mass immunization. The more people vaccinated the higher chance that everyone stays safe. It’s better to get the vaccine than not getting it I feel like.

-Isaiah Raye-Ryan 

Personally, I don’t think I would get the covid vaccine. My reason for that is one my dad doesn’t think it's good. Secondly I don’t want anything just being put into my body, and third I heard of a lot of people getting sick after it. Like most of them were old people but then just a few days ago I heard about my cousin who is a teenager getting sick. So for me I still think it’s not right for me to get it yet but then I could be wrong. The vaccine doesn’t make corona go away, it might lower chances of you getting it but it won’t just go away by getting a vaccine. I guess if everyone gets it then maybe yes. 

Also I do  think that the school district should make all the teachers maybe not all students get vaccinated before coming back. But not for all the kids, but if they do make it mandatory then if some kids don’t want to get it they should have an option to stay home with virtual learning, or just wear a mask. 

-Zayna Jamaladdin 

It doesn’t feel right to me to go get the vaccinated at this moment especially since most of my family worked in some sort of medical school and because I have prior knowledge on medicine that there’s possibilities that something bad could happen down the line despite the constant testing. Yet, I do understand that it can ease the nerves of the people around the world but doesn’t mean that prohibitions should be eased immediately as people begin to get vaccinated.

-Ahmir S. Allen

When the vaccine first came out, I very skeptical about it because of a conversation one of my teachers had during a class. They stated their uncertainties regarding the vaccines and were totally against taking the vaccine which in turn made me also not want to take the vaccine. They spoke about how the vaccine was made so quickly and how the vaccines haven’t been tested enough yet and how the vaccine could have a delayed effect, something that could possibly cause health problems. After that talk, I had no other view on the vaccine and didn’t look into it either until my teacher got vaccinated. Soon after that, a lot of my friends were getting vaccinated and I started to change the way I thought about the vaccine. Soon after that, my whole household was either getting vaccinated or was already vaccinated and I was the only one that wasn’t. Then I was given many opportunities to get the vaccine so I took it. I’m currently on my first shot. I think that the School District of Philadelphia should mandate vaccines for both teachers and students before we return to school because its just safer that way.

-Shirley Ha