Fresh "Meet"

By: Simran Singh Photos by: Janiyah West October 31, 2019

One of the hardest transitions a person can make is the one from middle school to high school. High school is a place of new opportunities. As high schoolers, we figure out our paths and true callings. As freshmen we are the babies of the school. We have three entire grade levels over us. In saying so, this is an entirely different environment. Many people say being a freshman is one of the easiest things a person can be. While on the other hand, it is also one of the hardest.

Entering a high school setting as a 9th grader is pressure enough. Do I look right? Is everybody staring at me? Am I the only person who can’t get my locker combination right? Why does a class that is so hard for me, seem so easy for everybody else? Have any of these ever entered your mind? High school has to be one of the hardest times in a person’s life. New school and even newer people.

The scariest part about high school would have to be self discovery. How do I fit in and stand out at the same time? High school is a big place made of huge obstacles. However, these obstacles should not be the reason why we fail or fall behind. We as the freshman class of 2023, need to come together to help support and uplift each other. Let the drama and rumors stay in eighth grade.