We're All in This Together

By: Bobbi Allen-Keys

What is America?

America is known as "land of the free and home of the brave," but is that what we really are? This country is supposedly built on love and acceptance. We are supposed to love our neighbor and to respect people who are different, but based on recent news, that has not been happening. Instead this country seems to be based on racism and prejudice against specific groups of people.

Muslim Ban

Within his first days of taking office in 2017, Trump administered a "travel ban" which was actually a Muslim Ban. Trump argues that people from Muslim countries pose a national threat to this country. Even though the ban hit several legal disagreements, the President continued to persevere and tried to come up with two more executive orders to ban Muslims from anywhere in the world. There have been more than 31,000 people denied entrance into the country because of Trump's travel ban.

Asylum Ban

On September 11of this year, one of the most detrimental events for immigrants occurred in America: the Supreme Court approved Trump's law to bar asylum seekers who pass through another country before reaching the United States. This is means that certain immigrants will not be allowed to seek safety in this country. President Trump has also issued an announcement that visas, which are required for being in the U.S., will be denied for low income and uninsured families. New immigrants will have to prove that they have insurance before entering America. This will prevent many families with children from finding safe haven in our country because they are fleeing poverty and violence in their own countries.

The United States as a whole is built on immigration and integration. Banning or preventing any group of people from residing in this country should be illegal. The culture of America is built on the history of immigrants and minorities.