Rivera said "No More" to Uniforms; Now He's Out of a Job

By Aleja Aslan

Bye Bye

On December 19th, 2019, Rivera, the Dean of the Carver High School said "no more" to "uniforms." As he stood by the entrance he lamented, ”I am tired of having to smell those dirty behind armpits when I have to ask over and over again to take your hoodies off and to show your shirt. It’s absurd I don't even get paid enough for this.” At this announcement, the students all started shouting and celebrating, since they had been arguing since the beginning of the school year about the strict policy. Not only did he share the news of the cancelled policy, but he also said behind the principal’s back, “It is a scam to make anyone purchase the shirts at school, taking $10.00, to $12.00 out of your already broke pockets that could be spent on some delicious cheesecake instead of some nerdy plain uniform. Let’s face it most of you aren’t even getting into college.” On behalf of the ladies that felt limited and targeted by the policy the dean shouted to the boys, “If you get distracted because of T-straps, half or off-the shoulders, or open back tops, get used to it, that’s life for you.” But the fuss wasn’t done, he stood on top of a chair and continued, “For the guys out there “with waves” please keep the durags on I’m tired of looking at all the brushing with no results. Do us all a favor.” After causing such a scene, the Dean was immediately fired. His only response was, “Good, I’m tired of these kids.”