What's with the Stigma around community college?!

Students, don't brush off community college just yet! Its better than you think

By Daniel Bowen

November 2nd, 2022
CCP'S Website displaying its offerings

As college application season is rolling around, it's becoming apparent that our high school seniors are oftentimes dismissing community college as an actual option. The effect of the college ranking system and its flaws play a big part of this, but also the common stigma around community college is another primary factor. 

It’s often looked down upon to go to community college. For a myriad of reasons actually, but it tends to be a combination of students believing they’re “too good” or “above” community college. Seeing it as something they’d never dare look towards, there’s also a pressure with some parents as its shockingly common for parents to also look down on community college . In tandem with peers doing the same. It’s unfortunate really. 

So it’s really not surprising that this same behavior and way of thinking has carried over into our students and their parents. “Senior seminar” teacher, Mr Pomales said that when the course finally became a thing there weren’t any people that wanted to go community college. And even now only 3 or 4 out of the 200 or so students even consider it. 

“ I do think that originally, community college was a place for people who maybe were unsure about going to a four year school” Pomales said, “maybe needed a little bit more time to build their academic skills before attending a four year university. So they have this idea that they're not as good or as valuable as.”

He also talked about how colleges often propagandize the “college experience” despite that not being worth it for everyone, especially at the cost it's offered. 

“This idea that you're gonna go somewhere, have the most fun ever and also, you know, learn all these skills and also find this version of yourself that was just like, waiting around to be awakened.” Pomales said “I think a lot of it is just like a myth. And I think a lot of that is kind of like propaganda to get you to pay these really high prices to go to Ohio State or Miami or USC or Penn State even.” He remarked

So this does really beg the question, is everything that we hear about colleges all that it's chocked up to be? With the high price being a very present thing, it's not really something any one of can just dismiss so easily. But this idea about colleges putting up a sort of facade in order to encourage students to come is quite relevant due to the fairly recent Columbia University news. 

They’ve dropped from being the #2 school in the US down to the 18th spot in rankings. Solely because they just falsely reported information so they could seem “above” other schools. 

But to look at the brighter side of things, we’ve talked to a carver alumni Zach Jackson who’s currently happily pursuing a psychology associates degree at CCP. And they’re currently enjoying their time their and plans to transfer out to temple university afterwards. And they even go on to talk about how people need to realize that life doesn’t have a straight determined path like so many people make it out to be. 

“I feel like you shouldn't have to go to college to be seen as I guess a quote unquote upstanding citizen,” Jackson said “because like, people are always like, Oh, if you want a good job, you have to go to college and get a degree and it's like, well, that's just not always true. You can get a good job without going to college. My boyfriend's dad didn't finish college and now he's like the CEO of a company. So it's like you don't need college to be, you know, someone with a good job that makes money.” they said

And we’ve also brought on a CCP representative to give some more information on the school as well. Since its apparent that a lot of people don’t know what its good for, and what it can offer. 

“We have a couple of scholars who went to CCP to transfer somewhere else.” Randy said, “One student went to UPenn and graduated. A student I worked with at the center for male engagement earned his associates and transferred to Howard University in DC, graduated and now has come back as a career coach in the center for male engagement. Dwight Evans! a politician also went to CCP, a lot of people come to CCP, it's the Community College of Philadelphia.” he said

And with several more notable people that have used CCP as the fantastic tool that it is. Along with things like campus events being common, student organizations being everywhere, and fantastic facilities students can make use of. Are all also reasons people should consider CCP, especially with it being such a good economical option. But its still an academic environment, one that you should make the absolute most out of.

“Just do your best, because it's tough to decide what you want to be when you grow up, right? Just do your best no matter what. So your grades can reflect that” the CCP representative remarked.