Distracted while Driving? Many Teens and Adults Face This As Well

By; Cashae Morrisey & Christen Moore

November 20th, 2023
Pennsylvania drivers are more prone to crash in urban areas than rural, urban areas are up to 60% while rural are at 39%.

Minors are involved in well over 300 a day in the city of philadelphia due to distractions while operating a vehicle. 

As more minors are getting behind the wheel, parents around the world share concern whether or not their child fully understands the responsibilities of controlling a vehicle. 

“I think that kids have to understand that driving is a major responsibility. Obviously, you can be extremely dangerous if you're not careful. So I think that the obvious things to consider is, you know, not to be on your phone while you're driving. That's very distracting and very tempting and I see how students are on their phones all the time.” said Mr. Winikur who is a parent and a vet driver. 

While in the vehicle, there are many temptations minors struggle with while driving a car. 

“Now I would say that cellphones could probably be a leading cause of accidents, and probably also just like rushing or being reckless like Not, not paying attention when you're driving or having your friends in your car and playing around.” Mr. Winikur said. 

While there are many distractions inside the car, there are also many outside, people, other cars, objects in the road, and many more. Many areas are less suitable for driving and more dangerous than others. Which is another very important thing that minors should consider while on the road. 

“I think like when I get like there's in my neighborhood, there's areas where there's no sidewalks so people walk in the street, so I have to be careful that and I definitely have to be careful with kids. Because kids aren't always paying attention. And when I'm driving through North Philly on the way to work, I have to be mindful of just people crossing the street because people you know, some people they just walk across the middle of the street, they don't pay attention.” Mr. Winikur said. 

Not only do teen drivers have to worry about the environment that they're driving in, they have to pay attention to the people in said environment, people driving and not. 

“I definitely have to be careful with kids. Because kids aren't always paying attention. And when I'm driving through North Philly on the way to work, I have to be mindful of just people crossing the street because people you know, some people they just walk across the middle of the street, they don't pay attention.” Mr. Winikur said.

Although driving a car can be a bit dangerous at times, there are plenty ways that you can make the streets safer by simply being considerate

“Don't be in a rush. absorb, observe, you know, stop signs, traffic lights, and definitely avoid aggressive drivers. Okay, there have been times when I've just, pulled to the side and let somebody pass me.” Winikur said.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration states that being impaired behind the wheel can affect your attentiveness, perception, coordination, and other functions you need to safely operate a car. 

In the year of 2021, 13.5 million people drove under the influence of alcohol, and the year before that 11.7 million drove under the influence of selected illicit drugs. Driving under the influence has caused many deaths, according to the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration, around 31% of car crash fatalities are from people being under the influence.

This information is not only for kids but adults can learn somethings form this article as well  because it sets a good example of how you can eliminate or stray away from distractions  

Readers around the world have gotten the message that ¨ kids have to understand that driving is a major responsibility. Obviously, it would be extremely dangerous if you're not careful. Things to consider is, you know, not to be on your phone while you're driving.¨