Sonic Frontiers is an Amazing Return to the Series' Roots (Slight Spoilers)

Cover Art

Sonic Frontiers is the 5 year awaited follow-up to the infamous Sonic Forces and it has cemented itself as an amazing return to form for the series.

The game boasts an action packed adventure full of interesting heroes and villains or some in between and a variety of environments to explore and have fun with. Brent is someone who has played the game and his opinions speak for themselves, "I'll give it nine out of ten".

Sonic's "Power Boost" obtained by collecting the max amount of rings

The game consists of going around the map completing objectives important to the story or just helpful to level Sonic up in the hope of rescuing his friends from the odd things happening to them. There's a lot of flair to it as Brent points out, "I like how you feel and how you reach points. And when Sonic turns in front of you and there's thunder."

Zone 1-2

The game has a mix of these overworld exploration sections and speed stages where you race to the finish to get keys used in the overworld later for obtaining Chaos Emeralds, "Yeah I like everything".

Super Sonic

At the end of each world aside from the fourth, Sonic uses the Chaos Emeralds collected by the player to initiate a stellar boss fight with Sonic turning into his super form and battling one of the Titans of the islands ranging from a giant mechanical beast that throws Sonic through pillars to a giant dragon like robot,

"Knight is my favorite boss and also the first one (Giganto)."

Super Sonic Afterimages in Giganto Fight

It's worth noting that Super Sonic's fighting style is far more fleshed out here as unlike previous games where he'd mainly just ram into enemies, here he's throwing punches and kicks so fast he makes clones of himself and wielding building sized swords greatly showing off the unfathomable power he wields.

The music in these fights hold up the quality that Sonic games are known for with tracks of different tones and speeds all fitting the dire situation like Undefeatable, Find Your Flame, and Vandalize, "Yeah, with the music, I sing it sometimes."

Sonic mentions Tangle from the IDW Sonic Comics

Another fun detail is Sonic and other characters mentioning things from previous games. Stuff like zones and characters who either haven't appeared in recent games or are from other media entirely being mentioned brings the world to life. There's even a minigame where Sonic fishes with Big who hasn't been in a notable game since Sonic Heroes.


The game has also spread around the internet with the music getting all the praise it deserves and generally people are having a lot of fun with this installment,

"I really like how the game is going. Like, I don’t like how people like doing glitches. I kind of don't like to play the game regularly."

Screenshot from Personal Gameplay

This game has inspired hope for the Sonic franchise as whole from some fans. Between this, Sonic Prime, Paramount's movies, and all the other things the character is currently involved in, Sonic's career seems to be going well. When asked if he thinks the next game will keep this level of quality Brent said, "I don't know. Hopefully."