Attention Juniors: College is Coming But You're Not Alone!

By: Aleja Aslan

How can the juniors at Carver keep moving closer towards applying to their dream schools? Or to just a school? How can they learn more about the complicated and stressful process of applying to college? Are you a junior like me that is having quite a hard time with all those countless, unanswered, and stressful questions about college? Well, lucky you! The staff at the George Washington Carver, have come up with an entire guide to prepare you to apply for college! Even though COVID 19 has kept us away from school and from our most helpful teachers and counselors, the Carver staff would like you know that there is no need for you to go through the college process alone without having all those scary and at times problematic questions. I have personally realized that it is so much better to be able to have a complete guide which is called “How to apply to college- carver 2021” and it can be found in the google classroom made by Principal Domers. If you still do not have the code for it, here it is Z3NVBPN.

This page has 11 different posts which each one having several assignments and slides with interactive tours, talks and quizzes that will help you understand the college process such interactive sessions include “Self Assessment & Telling Your Story,” “Paying For College”, “Transitioning to College,” and more. It has been extremely helpful to navigate through each session because not only does it have crucial information, but it also allows you to learn at your own pace. Isn’t that great? You get to learn about college when you feel like being productive toward your future, but you get a $25 gift card for completing something that will benefit you. Please do read and engage for the benefit of your future, why not start caring about all those goals you have for the future today? If you have any questions, contact your counselors, Ms. Olmedo and Ms. Finch, they are here to help us all.