Teenagers having jobs while still being high school students

By: Adrian Ericson

April 11 2024

Is having a job as a student teen beneficial? Well, the answer isn’t so simple. Though there are countless benefits of having a job as a teen, whether it's to fund social statuses or helping parents make ends meet. There are still very clear drawbacks of having one.

It’s been statistically proven that students with steady summer jobs have decreased the rate of underprivileged kids causing violence by 43% and rising. In addition to that it's also a great opportunity to show the youth the importance of discipline, waking up early for school and trying to fit in a job regardless if you’ve had a long day at school but still having to push through.

“Having a job especially during the summer really keeps me occupied because i know without it i’d probably be rotting in bed right now”

It’s not easy but is it really worth all the extra pressure? In most cases yes. Being able to financially support yourself to a certain point especially at such a young age will always be an exciting accomplishment. 

“Personally getting a job at this early age is very beneficial to me because i can finally afford all of the things i always wanted”

To finally buy those new shoes that you see everyone’s wearing or buying your favorite meal everyday if you wanted to, you feel so grown and invincible. It gives the youth a sense of responsibility and independence which is sought after by kids more than ever as of 2022.