Gun Violence has accelerated , Carver students weigh in on the effects

By : Tali Simpkins

November 2nd , 2022

Apartment building on 16th & Montgomery in Cecil B Moore.

Gun Violence has been a significant issue more and more as time goes on , Students often use school to avoid and escape Gun violence . With the recent School shootings and tragedies that have happened we will see the different effects gun violence has on students .

Year after year the homicide number goes up. In 2019 it was 281 , in 2020 it was 391 , in 2021 it was 447 and in 2022 it is currently 443 with about 2 months to spare according to philly police.

"Gun Violence affects me as a person in my everyday life , Living in a city where gun violence is so heavy with kids at young ages makes me look at things differently “ said Christian Turner .

When it comes to gun violence things can happen so fast , just like the Roxborough High School shooting where players were shot after a practice at a place where students are trying to be safe.

"I do not feel safe , especially when I am going on public transportation by myself. When i am with my other teammates it helps but I should not have to think i could be another statistic in the gun violence rates by simply trying to get home" says Jhamir Bennett.

Ens Students waiting in line for school.

Currently in 2022 Philadelphia gun violence under 18 victims have posted the highest numbers the past 3 years with 197 in 2020 , 213 in 2021 and now 181 in 2022 according to axios.

Kyree said “ I don't feel safe everyday because i live in Philadelphia . I think gun violence is increasing because the amount of beef going on with our under age children and with how easy it is to get a gun it makes me feel very unsafe for not only myself but the people around me”.

The applications to get a gun permit rose drastically in 2021 . You do not need any kind of permit or license to own a gun in Philadelphia. You do not need to register your weapon with the city philly mag says.

“I feel like gun violence is caused by the lack of supervision and overall gun control with how easy it is to get a gun. Especially for minor parents who should not have their teenagers who are walking around with multiple guns and people who should not be selling guns to those teenagers” Jhamir stated.

The City of Philadelphia is on pace to see the most homicides in one year due to gun violence , Philadelphia has almost double the homicides than the next city which is the much large City of Los Angeles .

“I don’t feel safe all the time because gun violence is steadily increasing and it can happen anywhere and it's so out of our control at times my question is , when will it stop?” Says Christian