Art vs AI takeover

By: Jovan Jenkins 

April 3 2024

As AI has grown throughout the world it's probably more proficient in the art world. How will original artist react if AI replaces the love and creativity of art with one's and zero's it wrong or great given the effects that it has on artists now,and back then

As AI becomes new to the world of art it'll get harder to know how the work of an actual artist vs the coded art of AI.

"people right now are using AI to help them fix some art mistakes really quickly when needed"

People during art without using AI helps them be able to express their own original ideas instead of having AI doing it they are going to have to understand and do it themselves.

"we need better things if you're an artist you find whatever you need to get art out whether it's drawing cave walls like they did centuries ago"

AI has a variety of being able to change colors and graphics which AI can't process the lively emotions of regular art and the artist behind the imagination,as for AI which has a limitations that try to keep it art PG-13.

some limitation sites for AI art consists of photo-shop and design curriculum that can go well with adobe and illustrator.Photoshop which allows the AI to incorporate photos of art taken from the web and just to put in text

this is artwork that was generated by an Artificial Intelligence

this is a creative art form a student from carver high school

a quote referring to the fact of AI having to be mixed in with Art and taking the Art world over "I do consider AI art to be real art. The AI found in many art apps is not real artificial intelligence; it is more of a massive storage system for data. We are light-years away from having real artificial intelligence that could replace human intelligence."

As technology has been very proficient with AI and vice versa in the world, some examples of AI art being different like it could be in some senses or form of flawlessness."It can also be very generic because it's pulling data to create an image"

AI art is really good but the process of it is copying and plagiarism because as it has gotten better for about 14 months itself,artists are falling behind and are getting fired or worse like going homeless and out of money.

"I think the government is more so affecting the budget cuts of people, some if those people being artist who also came into politics being able to try and simplyfy the fact that using AI to make money is a good excuse but also putting out Art who has an affinity and love of the craft."

this is a regular art form created by a student from carver high school.