What's your issue? America The Land Of the Free or The Land of controversy?

By: Annalise WhitakerJune 1st, 2023

People all over America have issues and complaints. Every citizen knows that. But what exactly is the most important issue that America is facing? Is it racism and xenophobia? Or perhaps the increasing cost of living and homelessness? Maybe even global warming? But what’s the real issue?

According to Adults , The Afforability of health care, The federal budget defecit, and Violent crimes are the biggest issues as of now according to the Pew research center.

Capitalism, Individualism, and Overconsumption 

Capitalism is a political system that surrounds and receives trades through private owners. It is almost always seen as a corrupt political way of thinking."I would probably say overconsumption and individualism.. I think individualism kind of fuels capitalism and causes everyone to care about themselves, disregarding the bigger picture.” said 11th grader Rae Semega.

Homelessness and Increasing Living costs

We see forms of homelessness everywhere as it happens to a lot of people. It is a worldwide issue that has yet to be resolved. Many people are losing their homes to make way for bigger and better buildings for wealthy homeowners. “It keeps people who already have power in power, and people who are not now suddenly have a bunch of homeless people in a bunch of rundown places.” 10th grade student Justus Mendoza states. 

America also has huge homelessness rates. "The fact that there's about 500,000 thousand plus homeless people in the country for 16 million abandoned properties that can easily be lifted." 10th grader Jachym Wright states.


Majority of people in the world have an idea of what racism is. It’s presented in many different forms. Direct or indirect, and it’s another major issue that not just America experiences, but everywhere else in the world. “Just like how  society treats black and other minorities and how we’re still inferior and how it kind of in turn affects us in terms of the justice system and police.” 12th grader Brandon Hinderson says. 

Gun Violence 

Acts of violence and terrorism committed by the misuse of firearms continue to haunt American schools, work buildings, grocery stores, and many other public spaces. “I looked it up and it turns out America is really the only country with that issue, and from what I see it mainly targets and affects minorities.” 12th grader Gabrielle Upchurch states.

 Supply chains and demands

Many of the resources that America has are imported from all over the world, however if there are issues with the supplier, it delays and causes shortages for the products that were supposed to be shipped to the US. “I think it’s the fact that we get everything we make from everywhere else, so supply chains are fragile..It just takes one thing to create not even national, but a whole worldwide shortage.” says Jachym Wright.

What can you do about it?

This generation is accomplishing things left and right and made a title for themselves.  Young adults and teens are speaking out against injustices, and you can do the same.